WATCH: Secular Woman Harrasses Chareidi, Only to Find Our That He is an Army Captain – Ouch

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In the city of Hod Hasharon, known for its predominantly secular population, a chareidi man found himself at the receiving end of harassment from a secular woman while riding a bus.

Little did the women know that her assumptions would soon be shattered when she discovered that the man she berated for not serving in the Israeli army was, in fact, a captain in the reserves.

Yisroel Hirsch, the chareidi man in question, managed to capture the entire conversation on his recording device and decided to share it on social media.

The video has been evoking a widespread sense of disgust and condemnation towards the woman’s hasty generalization and stereotyping.

In fact, the incident even caught the attention of Amir Ochana, the Knesset Speaker, who extended an invitation to Hirsch to visit the Knesset.

The confrontation unfolded as the woman took a seat near Hirsch and launched into a tirade, accusing him of shirking his duty to serve in the army, like her own brothers supposedly did.

Unbeknownst to her, Hirsch had a surprising revelation in store for her. He calmly disclosed that he was, in fact, an army captain, effectively dismantling her assumptions with a single sentence.



  1. “ He calmly disclosed that he was, in fact, an army captain, effectively dismantling her assumptions with a single sentence.”


  2. In fairness a secular woman harassing some chareidi on the bus about the army and a chardei being a caption in the army are both rare events


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