WATCH: Shomrim Looking For Knife Wielding Man Videoed In Boro Park Home Friday Night

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Boro Park Shomrim are searching for a knife-wielding man who broke into a home on 11th Ave and 54th Street at 12:30AM on Shabbos. The man fled the home after the owner confronted the intruder.

Please call NYPD 66 Detectives 718-851-5603 & the BP Shomrim Hotline at 718-871-6666 if you have any information.


  1. I guess “ah yid” means scary.
    These Yidden moved from South America 15 years ago, where they had been robbed, only to be robbed again in BP!

  2. Refusing to obtain any kind of legal firearms while being a juicy rich target; what can go wrong?! If only our people expended as much hishtadlus towards Jewish security as they do towards parnosa… Apparently, money is more important than Jewish lives. Our people have some serious psychological issues.

  3. Get we please get some additional information. Did this Perp break in?, was the door left open?. Did he come in holding a knife? Or was he high on something door unlocked and picked up a knife from the challah board. Scary indeed, but horrible reporting!, why post a story with no information, so everyone can come up with their own assumptions as I did above?.

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