WATCH THIS: El-Al Pilot Threatens to Call Police and Render 500-Shekel Fine To Jews Davening On Plane, Claiming “Covid Concerns”

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  1. Covid concerns???
    What in the world does it make a difference if they are squished like sardines in a minyan or in their seats????

  2. Obviously they are not all that petrified, because the sky marshal didn’t become involved in this saga. When I am flying out with El Al, I take seat in very back 2 rows, and can hear Minyan without exiting my seat.

  3. I didn’t watch the videos. But based on the headline, makes you wonder what we gained by having a chareidi fellow buy the airline.

  4. What’s the problem? They were all wearing their disposable masks. What more can the Israeli pilot moron want? And by sitting less than an inch from their fellow passenger, is considered safe?! What a brainwashed stupid idiot Daren. The only thing in their life that they know, is, mask up mask up mask up mask up mask up mask up mask up mask up mask up mask up mask up mask up mask up mask up mask up mask up mask up mask up mask up mask up mask up mask up mask up mask up mask up mask up mask up mask up mask. Such jerks

  5. What an idiot captain! I would not want him flying my plane! He should be fired immediately! Dump him into the ocean with all the sharks! What a moron!

    CCP virus concerns?!? They’re packed into a tin can for 12 hours with a mask that’s completely useless even according to CDC, and he’s worried about CCP virus? If he’s so concerned let him wear a mask and he’ll be fine.


  6. you are a moron daven in your seat and not disturb others if they do not let daven your seat.
    woe that this are from jews disgusting.
    RHS shilta daven in your seat.
    maybe el al shoukd build a mikveh on the plane for u

  7. Rav Shimon Schwab z”l said long ago that on an airplane, the place to daven is in your seat. Making a Minyan blocks the aisle and inconveniences people who need to move for various reasons. It is being a Tzadik on someone else’s cheshbon.

  8. Thev$15/hour guys all over feel empowered nowadays that they can tell you to mask up and cover your nose.
    It’s all about feeling power
    Like Anonymous said above – they pack you in like sardines but won’t let you stand together

  9. Interesting, I flew Virgin Atlantic, after serving the meal they announced that anyone wishing to do the prayers is welcome to do it it read of the aircraft, they made sure that no crew were around so we could have the space for ourselves,,, don’t give me the Tinokos Shenishbu

  10. It’s not a chilul HaShem In my opinion because the airline let’s people to Daven were they want and they Officially can’t stop you that what I heard


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