WHAT ARE POLICE HIDING? Suspicion, Uncertainty, Questions Surround Tragic Shooting of Shmuli Silverberg z”l

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Details about the murder of Shmuli Silverberg z”l in Denver continue to emerge, leading to suspicion, uncertainty, and many questions.

Sources reveal that two gunmen arrived at Yeshiva Toras Chaim Tuesday evening, aimed a gun at the head of a talmid – Shmuli – standing outside the yeshiva and ordered him to open the locked front door. Shmuli ran around the building to the back door near the kitchen, but he was followed by the shooters, who made him open that door.

The menahel, Rabbi Naftoli Seidenfeld, heard the commotion and came out to see what was going on. The shooters unleashed several bullets in his direction and he fell to the ground immediately, but by the grace of Hashem no bullet hit him. He pretended to be dead and the shooters thought that he had indeed been killed; they left him alone and thus saved his life.

The shooters then aimed at Shmuli, who was standing in the corner of the room, firing 12 bullets at him. He was niftar at the hospital.

Bochurim in the nearby dining room escaped unharmed.

Police announced that the shooting took place at the same time as two other shooting incidents in the same area on Tuesday night, but it turns out that the murder of Shmuli now seems unrelated to the shootings in the area, not as police initially claimed.

Yesterday, a Denver police spokesman held a press conference, claiming that the shooting was a stray shooting from a passing vehicle. On Wednesday, police said, “It does not appear, at this time, that this was a bias motivated crime. We think this was part of a larger crime spree. However, we are not ruling that out.” But according to sources, it appears that the police claims are misleading or downright untrue.



  1. I think the only thing biased over here, is the DPD. They are being biased because based on reports the suspects are….. Omg, it doesn’t fit Jen Psaki’s narrative.

  2. Why does everything involving jews need be anti semitic. As tragic as this killing was by making it into a bias anti semetic act when it doesn’t appear to be only makes it look like the boy who cried wolf.

  3. who is verifying the details as u put it shots at the rebbi…followed to the back.. none of the news sites seem to have this version

  4. I live in Denver, a 7 minute walk from the yeshiva, my son is a student in the yeshiva.
    The current police reports reflect that the gunman chased the young man into the building. There was enormous confusion early on as to what happened (and things still aren’t 100% clear). In addition, the current basic story that seems to have been clarified is that they fired at the young man from the street and he fled around the building to the door on the other side of the building, pounded on it, and it was opened by the Menahel. And it also seems clear that these crimes were connected to the others which took place that evening – a carjacking, a robbery, a shooting, and a second car theft.
    Ergo, it is odd that these chayos and rotzchim (all black btw, but the media isn’t allowed to say that) turned off the main road on which they had been travelling to a quiet street that just happened to have a yeshiva, and they chased a random clearly Jewish boy and killed him… so there is evidence of targeting. But it is irresponsible of the police to say that without confirming it. They have said they are not ruling out bias, but at the moment don’t have evidence that it was a bias crime. That is a perfectly logical thing to say under the circumstances.
    We have a good rapport with the police department, and it would be a shame for a sensationalist two-bit “news” outlet to ruin that relationship with unsolicited and unconfirmed accusations.

    • The suspects are not all black. Larhode is white and a prior convict convicted of shooting a friend in the head and released early from a five year sentence.

  5. > all black btw

    Strange that the picture on the web of the fifth suspect (19-year-old Samuel Fussell) that the police a relooking for is white with blond hair.


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