WHAT DID SHE MEAN? Lauren Boebert Asked Jews Visiting US Capitol If They Were Doing ‘Reconnaissance’

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Rep. Lauren Boebert asked a group of yarmulka-wearing Jewish visitors in a U.S. Capitol building elevator on Thursday if they were there to do “reconnaissance,” Buzzfeed News reported, per JTA.

The outspoken Colorado Republican claimed the comment was a joke tied to criticism she has received over Capitol tours she reportedly gave in the days before the Jan. 6, 2021 insurrection there. Some in the elevator “got it,” she told Buzzfeed.

But JTA reports that an unnamed rabbi who was part of the group, which was visiting with Democratic House Rep. Tom Suozzi to mark the 41st anniversary of the end of the Iran hostage crisis, said he was left “very confused.” “When I heard that, I actually turned to the person standing next to me and asked, ‘Did you just hear that?’” the rabbi said. The rabbi added that “people are very sensitive” in the wake of the hours-long hostage situation that unfolded last weekend at a Reform synagogue in Texas.

Critics are stating that it was inappropriate for Boebert to label a group of Americans, trying to insinuate something that is false.



  1. Can’t wait for Ezra to have his exclusive interview on the Zev Brenner’s show. This is terrible and Trump should resign.

  2. This report is lacking in many important details. I will try to fill in some of the gaps so people can get a better understanding of the matter.

    The Hasidic man in the photo above is (Pinchus) Ezra Friedlander, a PR guy and lobbyist from Boro Park. Part of his business is Congressional Gold Medals. He tries to convince congress to award them to people, makes committees for them, etc. He started it years ago with Raoul Wallenberg. Then, when he saw how it was done, he proceeded to make a business of it, getting it for Shimon Peres and Anwar Sadat. He thought of doing it for Yogi Berra too, but then dropped that idea. Now, he is pushing one for the Iran hostages. It is PR and money for his business.

    Members of congress are allowed to make jokes. Liberal media are trying to make this into a political football, like they attacked Senator Mitch McConnell the other day on some remark he made. We should not go along with this. Friedlander has deep ties to liberal democrats. He has a private business, he does not represent the Jewish people at large.

  3. These”yarmulka wearing visitors” are quite sensitive.
    Just a friendly reminder:
    You are not on home ground in the US Capitol!
    You are still in Golus.

  4. “an unnamed rabbi who was part of the group”

    Mendy Carlebach, of Lubavitch in NJ, was there with Friedlander, as seen in photos elsewhere online.

  5. Yeh, anti semitism. Yawn. Zzzzzzz. This is a ploy to garner attention. Publicity and more publicity. Get my name out there. Let the world know I was in the Capital. Let people know what I do. That’s how those in PR business make their parnasa. This is a total non- story. It should be relabeled as “communicated content”

  6. The victim of endless baseless media accusations of having led reconnaissance tours before January 6th is not where we should be turning to with outrage . The Democrats and the media have totally legitimized such behavior. When the victim responds in kind it’s as the saying goes “what goes around comes around.”

    I’m anti Trump and voted Democrat last election. I am still getting concerned that the hatred, ridicule and xenophobia expressed towards Trump and his supporters by Democrats and the general media is very dangerous. It is like throwing a match at a gasoline keg. You can be sure that if things ch’v explode Jews will be the victims no matter who wins

  7. Critics are stating that it was inappropriate for Boebert to label a group of Americans, trying to insinuate something that is false.

    And you know where were all those critics were when Boebert and other Republicans were being baselessly accused of making such reconnaissance tours? They were ones MAKING the accusations and insinuations.

    (Both of the congressmen who first accused Boebert of leading reconnaissance tours are Jewish. But Jewish as in Jewish anti -Semite J Street supporter)

  8. Suozzi is running for Governor of NYS now, and he has a longtime relationship with Friedlander, who promoted him when he ran in the past, maybe like twenty years ago.

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