Why Was $4 Million Allocated For Cats in Israeli Budget?

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Speaking at Kever Rochel, Rav Yaakov Adas spoke of why Israel allocated funds for cats in its latest budget.

“Today, we didn’t ask them to give money to the poor — and perhaps it’s better that they don’t give — but to take from them [for the benefit of cats]?” he wondered. “After a person’s death, if he desecrated Shabbos his soul transmigrates in a cat, feeling the humiliation as if it is still alive,” Rav Adas explained. “Therefore, the Knesset is concerned about cats because they and their families do not keep Shabbos and will need to get to that situation, so they are looking out for themselves already.”

“Even though they don’t understand this, their mazel knows and sees their future. This brings them to make such decisions instead of making legislation to observe Shabbos,” he concluded.

{Matzav.com Israel}


  1. Only a warped government who eat neveilus and treifus can allocate millions of dollars for cats instead of for the poor of its country.


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