WILD CLAIMS: Russian Space Chief: US Plans ‘Genocide’

MOSCOW, RUSSIA - DECEMBER 20, 2019: Roscosmos Director General Dmitry Rogozin at a press conference to sum up the performance of the Spektr-RG astrophysical space observatory jointly launched by Russia and Germany in July 2019. Anton Novoderezhkin/TASS Ðîññèÿ. Ìîñêâà. Ãåíåðàëüíûé äèðåêòîð ãîñêîðïîðàöèè "Ðîñêîñìîñ" Äìèòðèé Ðîãîçèí âî âðåìÿ ïðåññ-êîíôåðåíöèè, ïîñâÿùåííîé ðåçóëüòàòàì ðàáîòû êîñìè÷åñêîé àñòðîôèçè÷åñêîé îáñåðâàòîðèè "Ñïåêòð-ÐÃ" â ïðåññ-öåíòðå ÌÈÀ "Ðîññèÿ ñåãîäíÿ". Àíòîí Íîâîäåðåæêèí/ÒÀÑÑ
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The head of Russia’s space agency is accusing Ukraine and the U.S. of producing biological weapons, claiming they are aimed at Russians in the name of “genocide of a nation.”

“I assume that the evidence obtained by our military biologists in the U.S. biolaboratories located in Ukraine (or the U.S.-funded and directed Ukrainian biolaboratories, which is the same thing) will confirm our data that the United States, in the immediate vicinity of Russia, with the connivance or direct support of the Kiev authorities, were developing an ethnic weapon of genocide against the Russian nation,” Roscosmos chief Dmitry Rogozin wrote in a Telegram post, as translated by URA.Ru, a Russian media company.

Rogozin alleges the research is aimed at striking the reproduction function and immune system of a particular nationality, and he reportedly fears Ukraine labs are destroying evidence of the research.

Rogozin, regarded as Russia’s Elon Musk, has had his allegations refuted frequently worldwide.

First, the World Health Organization has said it told Ukraine to destroy dangerous pathogens being studied in their labs before the war, fearing a Russia attack designed to release them. Also, scientists have argued ethno-engineering of bioweapons is not possible.

“This claim belongs purely in the realm of science fiction,” RMIT University in Melbourne Australia chief of biosciences and food technology Oliver Jones said, Newsweek reported. “Humans are just too genetically similar to find something that would affect only certain people and not others.

he continued: “Modern DNA testing can, at best, only tell you if your ancestry is likely to have come from a specific region such as Europe or sub-Saharan Africa, not specific countries.

“You can’t tell which country someone is from, let alone their possible ethnicity, from DNA so there is no way to make any sort of agent, biological or otherwise, that could affect one ethnic group and not others. It is just not going to happen.”

© Newsmax


    • You mean Vaccine for liars who are fooling the brainwashed sheep, like you, who are in deep slumber. Or Vaccine for sleepers? Unfortunately it’s 100% true. How else can the US explain their 30 biological weapons labs and several nuclear facilities in Ukraine?

      • Vaccine for the gullible? You’re beyond stupid if you believe any type of propoganda you hear.

        I guess you’re infected with an incurable disease called the wacko syndrome.


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