With Rising Costs, Shuls Start Charging for Coffee – and Milk

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The coffee room located at the Belzer Bais Medrash on Rechov Belz in Bnei Brak has decided to start charging money for each cup of coffee.

Maayanei Hayeshua, which operates the coffee room around the clock, 24 hours a day, stated that “due to the current government’s decision to raise milk prices, and, as known to all, Maayanei Hayeshua goes through over 650 liters of milk per month… Therefore, we request a payment of half a shekel for each cup of coffee, and we also ask for donations to sustain this, weekly or monthly, as a zechus, for a refuah, or for an aliyas neshamah,” the hanhalah of the bais medrash wrote.

The coffee room in question is located at 5 Belz Street in Bnei Brak.

We are told that there are quite a number of other shuls and botei medrash that have implemented a similar pricing structure for coffee and milk.

{Matzav.com Israel}


  1. It’s great when you have someone be misnadav the coffee, tea and milk for the year as happens. When it doesn’t, it’s a big zechus when you share the burden.

  2. Not sure why they need a coffee room at all… unless it’s for people who sit and learn there, in which case they wouldn’t be going through 650 liters of milk. So it’s probably for everyone, which is less than unnecessary IMHO.

    In Lakewood, for example, there is a Shul where many people learn at different times during a typical day, and they have free soda cans for them (coffee is free for everyone — I guess they’re richer than the Belzers), and the sign says it’s a dollar for anyone else. It seems to work reasonably well for them, so why can’t Belz do something like that, rather than force Kollel yungeleit to have to pay for it?

    Just askin’…

  3. They should leave a pushka nearby with a picture of R’ Shayala for all those that want to donate

  4. This is terrible. A true crisis. I will bl”n cancel my trip to Dubai and instead donate that money to the coffee room supplies.

  5. This is nothing new msny Shula in Brooklyn instituted this years ago. As costs of coffee milk sugar continue to rise this added expense is denting their budget


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