WOKE INSANITY: WHO Says It Will Call Monkeypox ‘Mpox’ In Future To Avoid Stigma

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The World Health Organization has recommended that the monkeypox virus be renamed “mpox” to avoid what it called racist and stigmatizing language surrounding the disease.

More than 99 proposals for the name were submitted as part of a consultation process by the Geneva-based agency, with Rodentpox-70, Human mediumpox, Bonopox and MOVID-22 among the alternatives considered. The WHO opted for mpox partly because it’s easy to pronounce and isn’t linked to any actual place or animal, the organization said.

The WHO will initially use the new name alongside monkeypox, to avoid confusion in the midst of the global outbreak. The old name will be phased out after a year, the organization said.

(c) 2022, Bloomberg · Charles Capel


  1. And the world has changed WHO (World Homicide Organization) to MM (mass murderers) to disgrace them for eternity.

  2. “From hereon, the Monkeypox virus shall be known as ‘Mpox’,” WHO announced in a statement.
    “Not to be confused with Xbox, the video game,” the statement added. “But please be aware, that Xbox can also pose health risks if one is exposed to the game for hours on end.”
    In response to WHO’s statement, Microsoft quickly released a counter-statement regarding their video game, saying: “Xbox has been proven to be safe if used in normal every-day fashion. Excessive use of anything can pose health risks, including exsessive consumption of H2O and reading too much of WHO’s propoganda. Xbox is no different.”
    The computer tech company added: “We are still mulling our options with regards to the name Mpox, and the similarity in the new name of this atrocious virus, to the name of our fun-loving Xbox video game. A suit in court might be be in the cards.”

    • Everyone is missing the point. Your not stigmatizing the monkey just as your not stigmatizing a chicken. As usual It was the toeivah people who predominantly came down with and spread the disease and referencing them to monkeys. Hence they cant use rodentpox either. This is part of the woke agenda
      M pox is a lesser form of reference and less insultive to toeivah community.


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