Woman Throws Apple At Bibi During Likud Rally

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During Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s speech at a Likud election rally in Netanya on Saturday night, a woman attacked the Prime Minister and threw an apple at him.

Speaking on Sunday in an interview on Channel 12 News, the woman, Brinish Zehava Beck, criticized Netanyahu and said she “thinks that this country is led by a man who is very detached from the land we live in.”

“I was at the conference and I was shocked, it was my first time at a conference of people who are supposed to lead us and set us a personal example. All they did there was a campaign of incitement,” Beck said.

Read more at Arutz Sheva.



  1. Sadly this woman has a point but unfortunately Bibi is the best of the lot. Would Gantz, Lieberman or, what’s that snakes name?, uh yah, Lapid, have done a better job? Doesn’t she realize that the govt is run by the self-appointed judges who have the say in everything and everyone, including the security of the country?

  2. A person who engages in violent behavior shouldn’t be granted a platform to express their political views. Channel 12 should be ashamed of themselves for grating her an interview and broadcasting it to a national audience. Rewarding this women with a platform to express her views, simply because she engaged in violence against a democratically elected official, encourages others to follow her lead and engage in violence as well.

    • It would suit Channel 12 to interview the NYC Subway Thief who was released without bail 139 times, thanks to the kookoorikoos in the govt.

  3. Tragic. We can wonder if she forgot an apple a day does not take the mans wage or eye away. Dare to be struck cradle wanted. Tooth decay bible plan.


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