World Jewry Is “Gradually Becoming Majority Chareidi”

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Jonathan Boyd, executive director of Institute for Jewish Policy Research, wrote in an op-ed that world Jewry is “gradually becoming majority chareidi.”

Boyd noted that today’s 2.1 million chareidim, who comprise a seventh of world Jewry, are projected to become four million by 2040.

He added that Britain’s chareidim already comprise a larger proportion of nation’s Jews than anywhere except Belgium, and are projected to become a half or third of the Britain’s Jews by 2040.

British Jews long assumed that chareidim were doomed to an “investable demise,” Boyd said. “Except that demise isn’t going to happen,” he concluded. “On the contrary, the chareidi community is growing rapidly.”

{ Israel}


  1. the transalation of the word ‘charedi’ is ‘the one who trembles’. therefore, we can call all shomrei torah umitzvos chareidim no matter how they dress. the more the secular mind loses its mind, the more we yidden appreciate HaShem’s love and care for us

    thr wor ‘chareidi’ means someone who shivers

  2. Chareidim will be the majority not just because of birth rate, but because the others are assimilating and disappearing.

  3. Secular Jews are finally acknowledging that lawlessness is not a way to live. If there must be law and order, why not follow Torah laws? Hopefully “World Jewry” will include the Jewish land too.

  4. people who prioritize getting married and having families will be the future of society
    people who prioritize this so-called education even if they are successful with their endeavors will leave a legacy of endowments however they will not have a lasting legacy

  5. To be expected.

    The unorthodox can not well his own.

    Having living pretense is a society now to keep its law. The secular eye is not capable of Torah.

  6. I’m not sure.
    Our conservative synagogue is growing too. We do have a high percentage of inter married menchen. We have a lot of adults who have left Orthodox but are comfortable with us. Next year we have decided to add the second day of Yom tov to accommodate bigger crowd and their families usually from the east coast. We have talmud class 3 times a month too.
    We are not charedi, just good beautiful Jews. Sharon(peace).

    • You might mean well, but the definition of a good Jew is one who strives to keep the Torah in its unadulterated entirety, not “Conservative” and, for that matter, not “Modern Orthodox” either.

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