Yerushalayim’s ‘Chicken Lady’ Passes Away

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candle-small4Mrs. Chaya (Clara) Hammer a”h, best known as the “Chicken Lady” for the chicken chessed service she ran for aniyim of Yerushalayim, passed away on Thursday night at the age of 99.

Mrs. Hammer’s tzedakah fund distributed free chickens – almost $10,000 worth – every week to hundreds of mishpachos.

She was buried on Erev Shabbos in Givat Sha’ul. She is survived by her three daughters, nine grandchildren, over 35 great-grandchildren, and 40 great-great-grandchildren.

Mrs. Hammer, who experienced hunger and deprivation in her youth, escaping from Romania and Russia, subsequently moved to Israel, and then to the United States. She and her husband Efraim lived in Pittsburgh and then in Los Angeles. In 1969, she made aliyah and settled in Ramat Eshkol, Yerushalayim.

Yehi zichrah boruch.

{Yair Israel}


  1. we have had the zchus of knowing clara hammer and visiting her in israel. goodness and caring made her shine like the sun after a rainy day. she thrived on helping others. klal yisroel will missher. Boruch Dayan Emes

  2. Knowing Mrs Hammer as well as Rabbi and Reb Homnick have been a lesson in true tzedakah and chesed May she be a melitz tov.


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