Manischewitz Schmura Matzo Run Today in World’s Largest Matzo Oven

>>Follow Matzav On Whatsapp!<< has learned that the Manischewitz Schmura Matzo Run will take place today, marking the production of matzo at the company’s new state-of-the-art matzo baking facility. The production will begin with a review of the Schmura matzo equipment and the ceremonial start of production. The company will then gold the traditional Manischewitz luncheon in honor of the occasion at the Manischewitz Matzo Baking Plant in Newark, NJ.

Rabbi Yaakov Horowitz of the OU is the mashgiach in charge of the kosher food programs and certification for Manischewitz, Rokeach, Season and Guiltless Gourmet brands, and will be on hand for the production.
Those present at today’s baking will get to see the world’s largest matzo oven – a brand new $11 million piece of equipment that could produce enough matzo in a year to circle the globe twice, if it ran non-stop 24-7.

This one day only run is attended by Senior Members of the OU, dignitaries in the kosher world, congregational rabbis and lay leadership. This year’s Schmura matzo run marks the first in the new Manischewitz plant which is also home to the company’s other brands such as Rokeach, Goodmans, Horowitz Margareten, Mother’s, Mrs. Adler’s, Mishpacha and more.

{Dovid Newscenter}


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