Get set for a fantastic lunar event on the first night of the Yom Tov of Sukkos, Sunday evening. It will be an event that won’t happen for another 18 years.
A lunar eclipse will coincide with a supermoon on Sept. 27 at 9:07 p.m. EDT. As the moon will be in its closest proximity to Earth, it will appear up to 14 percent larger.
This supermoon, also called a harvest moon due to its occurrence falling at the beginning of the autumn season, will have an extra characteristic.
Known as a blood moon, the moon will pass behind behind the Earth into its shadow, resulting in a red tint across its surface, Accuweather reports.
“The red portion of sunlight is what makes it through our atmosphere to the other side, bent toward the eclipsed moon, so that even though the moon is within Earth’s shadow, the red portion of the sun’s light can give the moon this ghostly illumination,” Eric Edelman of Slooh told AccuWeather.
While a range of clouds and storms may prevent ideal viewing conditions in spots across the country, those with clear skies will be able to take in the stunning views with ease.
Supermoon lunar eclipses are historically rare, though frequency has increased during the 21st century, according to Slooh Astronomer Bob Berman.
“It’s one of best astronomical events to witness without any equipment and we know exactly when it’s going to happen,” AccuWeather Meteorologist and Astronomy Blogger Dave Samuhel said.
“The moon will be fully eclipsed for a little over one hour,” Samuhel said. “But the time from the very start to the very end of the eclipse will be a little over three hours.”
The supermoon portion of the eclipse will last roughly 72 minutes, reaching totality at 10:47 p.m. EDT (2:47 UTC).
Their entire explanation of the eclipse is not real according to our Chazal. The moon doesn’t get any light from the sun; it has its own light. The moon gets eclipsed when Yidden do Aveirus R”L.
When we will be looking at the moon; the sun is actually hiding from us above the huge non-transparent blanket called Sky.
So we make a beracha on it?
Here is a clear example of how mans’ carelessness affects climate change. It is so bad that even the orbits of the Earth and the moon have changed. That must be why supermoon lunar eclipse are occurring with increasing frequency although they had been historically rare.
Your global warming explanation is astounding. How did the moon’s orbit get affected? Who says that the Earth’s orbit changed and what caused the change? This is more of the non scientific hysteria from the politically motivated global warming crowd.