Thousands Attend Levaya of Rav Yitzchok Levenstein zt”l

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rav-yitzchok-levenstein[Video below.] Thousands, led by Rav Aharon Leib Shteinman, Rav Michel Yehudah Lefkowitz and Rav Nissin Karelitz, gathered today for the levaya of Rav Yitzchok Levenstein zt”l, founder of Yeshiva Ohr Yehudah and trusted gabbai and right hand of Rav Shteinman.

The levaya left from the home of Rav Shteinman on Rechov Chazon Ish in Bnei Brak. Rav Shteinman ruled that because it is Erev Yom Tov and time is limited as people prepare for the Yom Hadin, hespeidim should not be delivered at the levaya. The large crowd accompanied the niftar to kevurah, which took place at the Ponovezh bais hakevaros.

Rav Levenstein was just 48 years old and leaves behind his parents, his devoted rebbetzin, and 12 children, three of whom are married.

Rav Levenstein had suffered from a serious illness in recent months.

Rav Levenstein’s parents are Rav Moshe and Rivkah Levenstein. He was a grandson of the noted askan and MK R’ Meir David Levenstein z”l. From his early youth, he clung to his rebbi, Rav Steinman, who he served and assisted long before Rav Shteinman became well-known in the Torah world.

Rav Levenestein learned in Yeshivas Ponevezh in his you8nger years and later established Yeshiva Ohr Yehuda.

Until a month and a half ago, despite his severe illness, Rav Levenstein continued to deliver shiurim in his yeshiva.

About eighteen months ago, Rav Levenstein was discovered to be suffering kidney disease.

May he be a meilitz yosher for his parents, his wife and his children. 

Yehi zichro boruch.

Click below for a video of the levaya:

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 {Yair Israel}


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