GRAVE ISSUE: Cemetery Fraud in Yerushalayim and Beit Shemesh

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Following a covert investigation, police arrested seven suspects allegedly involved in two instances of cemetery fraud.

In one case, three chevrah kaddisha workers and two contractors are suspected of removing or covering children’s graves dating from the 70’s in Yerushalayim’s Har Hamenuchos cemetery in order to create new burial plots. Some of these were sold for up to $28,000 apiece to overseas Jews.

The other case involved two senior officials of the Beit Shemesh Religious Council who illegally sold graves plots wholesale to foreign citizens for $250,000.

{ Israel}


  1. one of the american gedolim purchased a plot in the mid 80″s and he was buried in a total different area. at the levayah no one knew that its not the place that was purchased. only a year later when the children were there did they realize it. the area where he was buried was pretty empty at the time of his petirah and this was a way for the chevrah kadisha to make more money (reselling what was purchased in a much more chosheve area)

  2. These despicable people are the lowest of the low. When these fiends kick the bucket, they should be dumped in the sea. Why should they be worthy of burial? Sick sick people.

  3. These crooks’ names should be publicized, and they should be put in cherem. If our community can tolerate such cynics, then how are we frum?

  4. ” two senior officials of the Beit Shemesh Religious Council ” – really scary who sits in the “religious” council.

  5. “What’s “wholesale” and what’s a “foreign citizen”?”
    Wholesale = group of 10 victims paying $25,000 each instead of $26,000
    Foreign = someone with 25k who resides outside Israel and is unfamiliar with just how corrupt systems are and doesn’t grill them before paying


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