Artificial Intelligence Saving Lives in Israel

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An unprecedented AI system in Hebrew in Magen David Edom’s 101 Emergency Dispatch Center is improving the response to emergency calls and saving lives.

The first AI call-transcribing system in the world is analyzing callers’ speech and transcribing it in real time.

By identifying key medical terms related to medicine and emergencies during the call, the AI provides telephonists with essential information without wasting critical time asking callers to repeat themselves.

The AI also analyzes patterns of when and where emergencies happen, enabling MDA to move resources and personnel to the areas most needed.

{ Israel}


  1. All this is technologies not related to AI. Calling it AI sounds like their using cutting art technologies and are on top of everything, but in reality all these technologies already existed. Transcription of sound has been around for years.
    Analyzing geographic patterns has been in use by businesses and politicians for years.
    Relying on AI for diagnosis of disease is error prone and shouldn’t be relied on as anything more than a suggestion, not an actual definitive diagnosis. Relying on it fully will sometimes kill the patient.

    • ‘Relying on it fully will sometimes kill the patient.” Precisely the reason for using AI so that doctors don’t get blamed. A Johns Hopkins study claims almost 500,000 people in the U.S. die every year from medical errors.


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