Bibi Netanyahu’s Son Dresses Up for the Holidays – Like Santa

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yair-netanyahuA Netanyahu is causing a stir-and it’s not Bibi.

Yair Netanyahu, the Prime Minster’s 21 year-old son, was snapped wearing a Santa hat while sitting in front of an X-mas tree. The picture was then posted to Facebook by his friend.

The picture received 20 “likes” and became a minor media sensation in Israel, but it was all in the spirit of fun.

The Prime Minister’s Office released a statement saying that Yair was visiting a Christian Zionist organization and that there was no need to take the photo seriously as it was “all in good fun.”

{The Algemeiner/ Israel}


  1. We found this today and is based on the teachings of Rav Shimon Schwab:

    The Torah says, “And Yaakov was left alone, and a man wrestled with him until dawn” (Bereishis 32:25).

    There seems to be a dispute among the Talmudic Sages as to who this angel was. The most prevalent opinion (Bereishis Rabbah 77:3 and Tanchuma 8, quoted by Rashi) is that it was Esav’s guardian angel, Samael.

    But the Pirkei Rabbi Eliezer (chapter 37) says, “The angel said, ‘Let me go free.’ Yaakov said, ‘I will not set you free until you tell me your name.’ Then the angel gave Yaakov the name Yisroel, like his own name, for his name was also Yisroel.” What is the meaning of this puzzling passage?

    Rabbi Shimon Schwab (1908-1993) explained that there is actually no contradiction here. The Midrash says (Bereishis Rabbah 78:5) that Yaakov Avinu’s face was engraved on G-d’s throne. This means that G-d’s glory is founded on the principle of truth, which was the attribute of Yaakov Avinu as it states, “Give truth to Yaakov” (Micah 7:20). The guardian angel of Esav, whom the Sages called Samael, is in charge of the opposite of truth, but he paints himself as a promoter of truth. This is why the Sages say (Chullin 91a) that the angel appeared to Yaakov as a Torah scholar.

    This angel Samael called himself “Yisroel” because his whole essence was falsehood. Similarly, Esav’s descendents established the Christian religion, which adopted the Jewish Bible as part of its literature, yet interprets words in the Bible such as “Zion”, “Jerusalem” and “Israel” as references to their own adherents and their own idolatry. And among our own people, the Reform Jews, who deny that G-d ever gave the Torah, call themselves “rabbis” when they should really be called “priests”. They call their places of worship “synagogues” when in reality they are houses of emptiness and belief in nothing.

    And people say that there is a state in the beloved Holy Land whose ministers, leaders and legislators are heretics and non-believers, who desecrate the holiness of G-d’s people, and yet they gave their state the name “Israel”! (It is interesting that Rabbi Schwab says “people say” – perhaps he did not quite believe that such a thing could happen.)

    The Torah continues, “And he saw that he could not overcome him, and he touched the hollow of his thigh; and the hollow of Yaakov’s thigh was dislodged as he wrestled with him.” This symbolizes that Yaakov’s attribute of truth was partially compromised. Therefore we pray, “And purify our heart to serve you in truth,” until the time when “Yaakov will come in completeness to the city of Shechem” (33:18). Shechem is the initials of “shem kvod malchuso” – the name of the glory of His kingdom. And this is enough for someone who understands. (Mayan Beis Hashoeva)

    In this cryptic last paragraph, Rabbi Schwab may mean that Yaakov, the true Jewish people, the true Israel, is engaged in a struggle with the false Zionist “Israel”. The Zionists saw that they could not completely defeat the true Jews, so they adopted a different tactic: they induced some of the true Jews to compromise their principles of truth. There have been rabbis who opposed Zionism, yet sanctioned some limited cooperation with the Zionist system with the justification that this furthers their battle against it. This, says Rabbi Schwab, was compromising Yaakov’s attribute of truth.

  2. “And people say that there is a state in the beloved Holy Land whose ministers, leaders and legislators are heretics and non-believers,…”

    I disagree that the people who serve in the gov’t of Israel are apikorsim. They are tinokim venishba. They do not know better. They were not raised in an observant home. Rather an apikorsus (heretic) is a Jew who once was observant, goes off the derech and encourages other Jews to follow his ways causing a chillul Hashem. (i.e., maskilim, Yeshu, etc.)

  3. Comment #1 above wrote

    “There have been rabbis who opposed Zionism, yet sanctioned some limited cooperation with the Zionist system with the justification that this furthers their battle against it. This, says Rabbi Schwab, was compromising Yaakov’s attribute of truth.”

    Let us just remember that Rav Schwab zt”l was a staunch supporter of Agudath Israel, and not a Satmar follower.

  4. He is a healthy well balanced FRUM individual. Great guy. The Natanyahu’s should be very proud of him- and probably are.

    Our problem is- we meet these great people really great people only by way of such introduction- which is wrong.

  5. When I was a child and not so religious I used to take photos with “santa”. Now that I become more religious I look back and laugh at the whole thing. I don’t know all the details of the picture, but I don’t think as religious Jews we should constantly look for things that are wrong in others and make them into a big deal. This action pushes even the FRUM away.

  6. Dear Matzav,

    The placing of this picture and the accompanying story is meant to elicit a certain response from the Matzav reading audience. No doubt, one of contempt, anger revulsion, sadness; all or some.

    Yet I found no such responses in Matzav’s posting of a similar picture in March 5 and 7th of 2012. This picture displayed small Chareidi boys dressed as Santa. While I thought those costumes as well as Netanyahu’s costume were in poor taste, I find more disturbing the expected response from Matzav’s “editorial board.”

    Similarly, it is worth noting the outrage people voiced at Lipa Schmeltzer’s pursuing of a higher education, but yet not a word about his false high school diploma.

    Where is the yosher? Where is the ehrlichkeit ?

  7. If you read and look at so many Jewish news websites and other forms of media, you realize how especially this year the changes in the state have descended into the almost veneration of idolatry. They are working hard and fast to undo all the status quo of yiddishkeit that were set up in the creation of the state of Israel to conform with the nations, r’l.

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