BIDEN’S DISASTER: Annual Border Arrests Hit Record High

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The U.S. Border Patrol arrested migrants more times in the past year than in any other fiscal year in recorded history, according to Customs and Border Protection data released Friday.

Authorities encountered unauthorized migrants along the southwest border more than 1.73 million times in budget year 2021, according to the data. Of those, about 1.66 million arrests were made by Border Patrol.

The prior record was set in 2000 at about 1.64 million, according to Border Patrol data.

Read more at ABC News.



  1. I’m not concerned at all. Joe Biden/Jen Psaki told us we have NO crisis at what used to be a Southern border. Everything is under control. Any migrant child that misbehaves is stuffed into cages meant for hamsters.

  2. Big deal. All million plus leave the arrest with entitlement programs hardly accessible to Americans. And the criminals among them are rewarded for their crime by protection. Biden’s immigration policy is completely intolerable. BTW, is Harris doing anything yet? maybe she can make a kids video about it.

    • Yes. Ms. Emhoff is 800 miles away from the border, sipping coffee in a cafe, researching the root cause of migration. A real genius.


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