Hadar Goldin’s Passing Proven Via DNA Samples

Last night, the IDF disclosed that the death of Officer Hadar Goldin was confirmed by checking the DNA of parts of his body that...

Watch: Trump Administration Reaches 100-Mile Mark For Border Wall

The Trump administration marked the 100th mile of wall construction along the southern border; reaction and analysis from Border Patrol Agent Hector Garza. WATCH:

New International Grassroots Effort On Behalf of Gilad Shalit is Launched

The National Council of Young Israel (NCYI) this past week launched a worldwide grassroots effort aimed at bringing Israeli MIA Gilad Shalit ...

Iran Supreme Leader Slams GOP Letter

Iran's supreme leader called Republican senators' letter to Tehran the "ultimate degree of the collapse of political ethics and the U.S. system's internal disintegration."...

Milwaukee Imposes 10PM Curfew

After a second night of violent protests in Milwaukee, the mayor announced a 10 p.m. curfew for teenagers beginning today. Fourteen people were arrested on...

US Kids Are Eating More ‘Ultraprocessed’ Foods

Frozen burgers, pizza pockets and toaster strudel. Energy drinks and sugary sodas. Fruit leather and potato chips. Cookies and cereal bars. Fish sticks and...

Trump Administration Plans To Certify Iranian Compliance With Nuclear Agreement

The Trump administration, delaying an anticipated confrontation with Iran until the completion of a long-awaited policy review, plans to recertify Tehran's compliance with the...

Huckabee Praises Gingrich: ‘Good Campaign, Good Message’

Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee predicted Sunday that Mitt Romney will win the Iowa caucuses despite not having spent much time or money there. One...

News Times Square Billboard Blasts AOC For Her Role In Amazon Pulling Their H2...

The Job Creators Network (JCN), a conservative advocacy group, placed a billboard in New York's Times Square on Wednesday, slamming Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.)...

Bennett Vows He Will Not Ask Joint Arab List To Join Coalition

Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett is now denying rumors that he intends to ask the Joint Arab List to shore up his shaky coalition...

Anti-Semitic Flyers Left in California During Pesach

A series of antisemitic flyers were left in Beverly Hills and Hollywood Hills on Shabbos, in an uneasy start to the first day of...

Ex-Homeland Security Inspector General Admits Stealing Info to Sell Back to Government

A former high-ranking Department of Homeland Security official has admitted to scheming to steal personal information and software from two government agencies—and then selling...

Israel’s WaterGen Aims To Quench Global Thirst For Clean Drinking Water

As the global water insecurity worsens and the world looks for innovative solutions to keep people and crops hydrated, one Israeli company is looking...

Hoenlein, Jewish Leaders Losing Patience With Obama Policy

President Barack Obama was set to leave for Middle East this evening in a trip the White House is billing as an effort to...

Watch: Lindsey Graham Rails Against ‘Dangerous’ Supreme Court Leak

Republican senator told "Hannity" that the leaker was trying to 'scare the court,' but predicts no significant impact on the upcoming midterms elections. WATCH:

OUT OF CONTROL: Anti-Israel Protestors Block 3 NYC Bridges, Holland Tunnel

Dozens of pro-Palestinian protesters swarmed three bridges and the Holland Tunnel in Lower Manhattan on Monday, blocking off traffic and creating chaos. Demonstrators from the...

Hurricane Irma Wreaks Apocalyptic Damage In The Caribbean

Apocalyptic scenes of flattened buildings and ruined airports emerged from once-lush Caribbean islands devastated by Hurricane Irma, as the deadly storm began to lash...

Today’s Yahrtzeits and History- 26-27 Adar

Sarah Schneirer, mother of the Bais Yaakov movement (1935) Rav Eliezer Lippa, the son of Rav Elimelech of Lizhensk (1813). -Rav Avraham Chaim Brim of Yerushalayim...

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