Moetzes Agudath Israel to Host Worldwide Asifa Lihisorerus Tonight

During these tumultuous times, it is important to not lose sight of Who is really in charge-Hakadosh Baruch Hu. We are completely in His hands. It is imperative that we strengthen ourselves in ruchnius, maintaining our focus on...

Hatzolah to Dedicate Ambulance in Memory of Terror Victims

-Communicated- The heart of the Jewish people bleeds for each person who is murdered, the whole nation mourns as one when the sorrow is fresh....

The Mirrer Yeshiva in Brooklyn: Write the Next Chapter of this Historic Makom Torah

An ambitious fundraising goal will UNLOCK $1,000,000  You are reading this because you have seen the impact of a Mirrer Yeshiva education. You know that, for...

Attention Women & Girls! Please Join Us For A Purim Night Asifa (Lakewood NJ)

Purim Night! Maximize Your Purim Power Listen to a powerful message from Hagaon Harav Yitzchok Sorotskin Shlita Location: Lakewood High School Monday Night, March 6th Doors Open at 8:30 PM The...

Introducing The Yom HaShishi Series Episode 1: featuring Rabbi Moshe Tuvia Lieff

In this week’s parsha, when describing Hashem completion of creation, the Torah says, “vayehi erev vayehi boker yom Hashishi - And it was evening...

Midwinter Music Splash at The American Dream Waterpark!

A MIDWINTER EVENT LIKE NEVER BEFORE! Don’t miss the first-ever Jewish Musical Night out at America’s Largest Indoor Waterpark! Two nights, two events, one for men,...

Invest 36 Hours….And Change Your 24/7 Business – and Halacha Mindset – Forever

Pre-Siyum HaShas Yikra De’oraysa Yarchei Kallah to Provide Unprecedented Opportunity for Halachic Clarity Vis-à-Vis Commerce and Halacha Imagine being given the opportunity to acquire knowledge...

Invest 36 Hours….And Change Your 24/7 Business – and Halacha Mindset – Forever

Pre-Siyum HaShas Yikra De’oraysa Yarchei Kallah to Provide Unprecedented Opportunity for Halachic Clarity Vis-à-Vis Commerce and Halacha Imagine being given the opportunity to acquire knowledge...

A Red-Letter Day at Shuvu Bat Yam

HaRav Kolodetsky, Son-In-Law of HaGaon Harav Chaim Kanievsky, Visits The air was festive yet electric as students at Shuvu Bat Yam awaited their distinguished guest....

New Daily Amud Program

This week, tens of thousands of yidden around the world celebrated the accomplishment of finishing Shas! The inspiration is here! And the message is...


Click to Register! There has rarely been a time when the need for Social Workers was so obvious. Though we would all like to pretend...

VIDEO: New Series, Kashrus 2.0, Video #1

Without a doubt: Understanding the role of  ספק‭ ‬ in הלכה Everything is not always black and white in הלכה. There are many ספקות...

RESERVE THE DATE: Singing in The Rain: Telethon Event : Monday, June 15

Those with special needs are always singing in the rain, they endure tough times constantly. They breakthrough the darkness, pain and struggles to spread...


To take advantage of this opportunity and be included in the Pidyon Harashash for the success of you and your family, that will take...

Last Day! Tomchei Shabbos Pesach Deliveries Underway; $130,000 Still Needed

The trucks are out!  Tomchei Shabbos’s Pesach food deliveries are in full swing. One by one, the pantries and freezers of over 1,800 families across...

GE Appliances and ZMAN Technologies Collaborate to Develop Shabbos-Compliant Solutions

According to the latest demographic information, nearly 1 million of the 5.3 million Jews who live in the U.S. observe the Jewish Sabbath. An...

2 Hours Left! Deadline 11:30am – Join the Ohel Sarala Amuka Tefillah for Shidduchim...

TODAY, on the yahrtzeit of R’ Yonnason Ben Uziel who is buried in Amuka, is a day mesugal for shidduchim. Ohel Sarala will be hosting...

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