Thousands of Israeli Families to Receive 1,000 Shekels Per Child

Today, a bill that extends the eligibility for an educational grant for each child in first grade thru twelfth grade will go into effect. In accordance with...

US Issues Travel Warning For Old City

The US Consulate General issued on Friday a travel warning urging US citizens to avoid the Old City of Yerushalayim until 8:00a.m. on Shabbos...

Video, Photos: Storobin Sworn in to NY State Senate

State Sen. David Storobin, a Republican from Brooklyn, was sworn in on Monday in the Senate chamber in Albany. Storobin narrowly won the 27th District, which...

Video: Gillibrand Meets Agudah Leaders

With the midterm elections just over a week away, a delegation of Agudath Israel met today with US Senator Kirsten Gillibrand. In her...

Chaimkeh Released from the Hospital

Chaimkeh, the three-year-old boy whose mother has been unfairly accused of starving him, and who became the center of a political and religious storm...

Missionaries Lure Jews to ‘Pesach / Easter’ Event

Missionaries continue with their deceitful ruses, only to be foiled by askonim. On Sunday of chol hamo'ed Pesach, a cult in Jaffa held a "Pesach...

Today: Olam Chesed Free Mega-Costume Distribution in Lakewood is pleased to inform its readers that Olam Chesed will be having a free pre-Purim mega-costume distribution today, Sunday, March 1, in Lakewood,...

Why Is Hezbollah So Quiet About The Attack Tunnels?

At first glance, Hezbollah’s silence and its lack of response to Israel’s exposure of its attack tunnels during December 2018 seem very surprising. Israel...

Photos, Album 2: The First Night of Selichos 5774

{ Newscenter/Photos: JDN}

“Rumpelnacht”: Ah Gutten Zummer from

Tonight is known in many circles as "Rumpelnacht," as the post-Pesach cleanup gets underway. With pots, pans and dishes all over the place and kitchenware...

UTJ Won’t Attend Gov’t Vote on Kevorim, Protest Damages Estimated at NIS 1 Million

United Torah Judaism has decided that the party's Knesset members will not attend the weekly government no-confidence vote in protest against the decision to...

Lakewood: Public Schools and Most Chadorim and Schools Closed (Updated)

Lakewood, NJ – In light of the impending snowstorm, all public schools in Lakewood, NJ, will be closed today. Morning busing for all mosdos have...

Deri: I Will Not Accept a Deputy Minister from Bayit Yehudi

The battle over the Religious Affairs Ministry continued last night when Shas chairman Aryeh Deri stressed his refusal to accept the appointment of a...

Agudath Israel: Thank You, Mayor de Blasio, for Restoring Priority 5 Child Care Vouchers

In releasing his executive budget for New York City's upcoming fiscal year, and including a $12.6 million allocation for Priority 5 after-school vouchers, Mayor...

Fox: Elie Wiesel “Holocaust Winner”

Author and Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel was mistakenly declared a "Holocaust winner" by the Fox News network during an interview last week. Wiesel was being...

Top Presbyterian Reverend In MLK Day Sermon: Israel ‘Enslaves’ Palestinians

A top Presbyterian reverend accused Israel this week of enslaving the Palestinians, and American Jews of not doing enough to stop it. “The continued occupation...

Alert: Shatnez in Children’s Sweaters

Shatnez has been was discovered in Roberta di Roma (China) children's sweaters, currently being sold in Jewish stores in Lakewood, Boro Park and Williamsburg....

Flatbush Rabbonim In FJCC Meeting On Community Concerns

An important meeting of Flatbush rabbonim recently took place under the auspices of the Flatbush Jewish Community Coalition, FJCC. A full spectrum of Flatbush...

53 US Lawmakers To Visit Israel in August

Fifty-three members of the U.S. House of Representatives are visiting Israel during the first half of August. The delegations are facilitated by the American Israel...

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