Report: Orthodox Jews Angered by Obama Nominee

Jeffrey Scott Shapiro reports for Breitbart: A former U.S. Attorney appointed by President Obama who previously came under scrutiny by the Jewish Orthodox community...

Beit Shemesh Fined For Tznius Signs

The Israel Religious Action Center (IRAC), the public and legal arm of the Reform movement, scored a victory against the chareidi led Beit Shemesh Municipality in...

Watch: May One Convert a Loan into Equity?

Q and A with Rabbi Yosef Dovid Josilowsky Moderated by Rabbi Yitzchok Hisiger WATCH: Converting Debt to Equity from Bais HaVaad L'inyonei Mishpat on Vimeo. Case: Reuven lent $1,000...

Agudas Yisroel to Mark 100th Anniversary With Multi-Faceted Celebration

The founding of the Agudas Yisroel movement by a cross-section of gedolei Yisroel in Sivan 5672/May 1912 will be marked with an extensive program...

Litzman: Public Chillul Shabbos Is A Gross Act Of Defiance

Deputy Health Minister Yakov Litzman (UTJ) sharply criticized the public Chillul Shabbos in various cities in Israel. "This trend of Chillul Shabbos in different cities...

Rabbi Aviner: Non-Jews Shouldn’t Serve in IDF

While the country is abuzz with the resignation of Brigadier-General Imad Fares over a traffic accident his wife was involved in while driving his...

“President Obama” Breaks Out Color War at Camp Mesorah

Camp Mesorah took it to a new level with its color war breakout. The camp had famed Barack Obama impersonator Reggie Brown visit the...

Video Shimon Craimer Releases Charity Single For Haiti

Shimon Craimer of Riverdale, NY, has released a song to help raise money for the people of Haiti following the recent earthquake that struck...

Were Lakewood Children Shortchanged By Error-Ridden Lakewood Public School Maps?

Decade-Old Errors in Busing Maps Hurt Lakewood Kids Helping children get to and from school in a safe manner, with a reliable busing schedule,...

Lakewood ShopRite to Remain Open 24 Hours Following Yom Tov

This Tuesday night, Motzoei Pesach, is known as "Rumpelnacht" in some Yiddishe circles - and for good reason. It is one of the most...

Netanyahu Rejects Obama’s Claim that Israel Now Supports Iran Deal

Israel has firmly rejected President Obama's claim that its defense officials now support last year's nuclear deal with Iran. Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu stressed that...

Video: Sister of Rivky Holtzberg a”h Gets Married

The sister of Rivky Holtzberg a"h got married this week just eight months after R' Gavriel and Rivky Holtzberg Hy"d were murdered in cold blood. There...

Boro Park: Tow Truck Driver Fired Following Anti-Semitic Tirade

A tow truck driver who unleashed An Anti-Semitic tirade in Boro Park this morning after he was asked to move his truck, which was...

Photos: Sukkah Building in Monsey, NY

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LIVE TONIGHT!! New Feature Documentary on The Life of Rav Dovid Feinstein zt”l at...

Can gadlus and pashtus really coexist? Can one guard every single word, but still have all the time in the world for anyone? Can one possess...

Five Towns Rabbonim: No Guests for Pesach

Many of us are asking ourselves a new question this year: "Why is this Pesach different from all other Pesachs?" We are keenly aware of...

Woman, 21, Arrested After Jewish Boy Was Spat On Outside Shul in Brooklyn

New York City authorities have arrested a woman who police say spat on an 8-year-old Jewish boy outside a Brooklyn shul last week and...

Chareidim Live Longer

Yair Shirki of Channel 2 investigated why chareidim live longer than the general populace. He started by noting that studies of Israel's Taub Institute found that although the...

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