President Abbas Calls For Three Days Of Mourning After 52 Killed In Gaza

President Mahmoud Abbas declared on Monday three days of mourning and a day of general strike in the Palestinian areas on Tuesday in memory...

Daf Yomi Concludes Chulin, Begins Bechoros

Nine Months to the Siyum HaShas Lomdei Daf Yomi are celebrating the completion of Maseches Chulin, inching their way closer to the 13th Global Siyum...

Iowa Rubashkin Trial Irregularities

It's hard to forget the raid on the Agriprocessors plant in Postville Iowa back in 2008. Helicopters swooping overhead, mass detention facilities prepared in...

Yerushalmi Terror Victim Suing Attacker For One Million Shekel

Otniel Elkayam, who was injured in a terrorist attack in Yerushalayim about three years ago, is now suing the terrorist who is running over...

Rav Reuven Feinstein Shlita To Join Shuvu Mission 2019

Rav Reuven Feinstein Shlita, Rosh Yeshiva at Yeshiva of Staten Island, is set to join the Shuvu Mission to Israel, this coming January. The Shuvu...

Hafrashas Challah as a Zechus for the Sassoon Family

Join many women around the world who are doing the mitzvah of hafrashas challah this weekend (shlisel challah) for the zechus of a refuah...

Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah Releases Kol Korei on Decrees of Israeli Government

Agudath Israel of America, today, shared a Kol Korei from the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah of America: (Free translation) Shevat 5782 We hear cries of pain from our...

Kevin Durant Received ‘Triple Rabbi Blessing’ Just Hours Before Powering Thunder to Game 6...

Basketball star Kevin Durant received a "triple rabbi blessing" on Thursday just hours before he led his team, the Oklahoma City Thunder, from 16...

Monaco’s Prince Albert Expresses Regret Over Holocaust Deportations Of Jews

Monaco's Prince Albert II apologized Thursday for his country’s history of deporting Jews to Nazi concentration camps during the Holocaust. During the period, Monaco...

Agudah to Albany Legislators: Preserve Traditional Marriage

An Agudath Israel-sponsored delegation of a dozen community askonim from Brooklyn, Monsey and Queens traveled to Albany today to register strong opposition to any...

Goldie Steinberg, World’s Oldest Jewish Person, Passes Away at 114

Goldie Steinberg, the sixth-oldest person in the world and the oldest Jew, passed away Sunday at age 114 in Long Beach, N.Y. She was just...

Photo: Man Who Bought Chometz in Haifa Every Year Converts, Brings Goyishe Father to...

The goy who previously bought chometz every year in Haifa converted to Judaism over the last year. This year, shortly before Chag HaPesach, he showed...

Watch: #Agudah Live – Mr Richard Altabe with R’ Avi Schnall and R’ Shai...

We’ve heard so much about it, and then we heard that maybe it isn’t a problem anymore. Is that true? Watch this Agudah Live session,...

Moldovan Rabbi is Mechallel Shabbos to Save Hundreds of Ukrainian Jews on Shabbat

It was the first time that Rabbi Pinchos Zaltzman, the rov of the Orthodox community of Moldova, had ever been mechallel Shabbos. But this time,...

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