It’s Time

By Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz We are now in the saddest period of the year, a time when we observe halachos associated with mourning. They are...

Lakewood: Rental Market Out of Control – What Does the Future Hold?

A number of years ago, there was a joke going around about a man who built a house on top of Lake Carasaljo in...

On Antisemitism

By Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz Rashi in Parshas Vayechi (50:5) tells of a strange financial discussion. Yaakov Avinu yearned to be buried next to his parents...

Readers’ Matzav: A Bleeding Heart

Dear Editor, My heart is so broken. I have been carrying a bleeding heart for over a month and cannot withstand it anymore. I...

A Reader Writes: A Shidduch Dilemma – Should I Continue?

Dear Editor, I have a serious shidduch quandary and since it appears that is the central place for shidduch-related discussions, I will present my...

Stephen Flatow: The Amazing Story of What One Person Can Accomplish

By B. Glickman Today, I will tell you a story. It is the true story of a seemingly inconsequential man who, driven by passion and...

Opinion: An Open Letter to Seminary Girls – Etiquette in Geulah

By Yeshiva Guy In a tradition dating back to the opening of the doors of the first seminary way back when in the fifties, the...

Why is My Son Not in Yeshiva?

Dear Editor, This week the zeman began but my son is home. It's not  because he doesn't want to go, but because they don't want...

Rabbi Dr. Aaron Glatt: Covid Update, June 18

By Rabbi Dr. Aaron E. Glatt, MD Boruch Hashem, we continue to gradually and successfully reopen NYS, Nassau County, and our local communities and neighborhoods,...

Amazing Shidduch Idea

By Moshe Pogrow, NASI Project  for Over the last few weeks I have been contacted by no fewer than six shadchanim who have expressed their plans to either quit...

Summer Perspectives

By Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz With the Nine Days behind us, we are now in the depths of summer. Everyone is taking it easy. Many are...

Keep It Going

By Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz This week’s parsha of Ki Sisa contains peaks of glory and splendor, depths of catastrophe, and a cataclysmic blow, followed...

A Torah Perspective on Iran and Achris Hayomim

By Rav Yitzchok Fingerer Iran's supreme religious leader announced that today, February 11, it will "deliver a punch that will leave the world stunned". Is this...

Hate Lipman? Chas Veshalom

Dear fellow readers, I have been following the coverage of Dov Lipman and have  mulled over the issue. Through Matzav, I emailed Rabbi Felik, who...

Administrator of Bais Yaakov Tells Father to Leave Kollel

By Kollel Guy During  these difficult economic times, yeshivos and schools are feeling the pain of having no money and are doing everything they can...

Definite Signs that Moshiach is Very Close

By Rabbi Yitzchok Fingerer   The sha'ilos I've received  are hair-raising, shocking and sad. The Yetzer Hara is out of control.  Yidden from every background, spanning the entire gamut, from Chassidish to...

Finding The Right ‘Pitch’: Yanny and Laurel Give Perspective On A Yeshiva’s Decision

Many of you will remember the great Yanny/Laurel debate that took place last May. To those of you that don't recall, the debate was...

A Letter to My Abusive Parents

By Hadassa Luk My letter is written to you, but it's intended for me. To clear things up inside. To try to understand myself better....

The Way Forward

By Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz As we near the end of Elul, we should be ramping up our efforts at doing teshuvah, rectifying our errors and...

Shidduch Resumes and Bottlenecks

By Rabbi Yitschak Rudomin MA We live in a world driven by data and research but at this point since Shidduch Resumes are relatively...

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