The Matzav Shmoooze: Dear Mechanchim and Teachers – Corona Showed Us How to Deal...

Dear Editor, As we all know, during these months of ‘lockdown’ when the Chadorim and schools have been closed there have been major changes in...

Opinion: Of Masks, Exaggerations, and Gross Misrepresentations

By Rabbi Yehoishophot Oliver [email protected] We are living through terrifying times, and I am not talking about Covid-19. We are seeing draconian measures enforced in the western...

Reaching the Heavens

By Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz Sefer Vayikra comes to an end this week as we lain the parshiyos of Behar and Bechukosai. Both open with the...

Footsteps of Joy

By Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz I sit here on Sunday afternoon staring at the empty computer screen in front of me. There was a place...

Keep That Spirit

By Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz We just recently completed observing the eight-day Yom Tov of Pesach, which celebrated our freedom - geulah - from Mitzrayim. After...

The Matzav Shmooze: Are OTD “One of Us?”

Dear Matzav Shmooze, With all the recent attention given to the tragic stories of the many who, after leaving our way of life, find themselves...

The Shameful Silence of Sheldon Adelson’s Myriad Beneficiaries

By Dovid Efune The modern day story of Sheldon Adelson appears to draw parallels from William Shakespeare's lesserv known dark comedy Timon of Athens. The...

Rav Mordechai Aderet Stands Up for Kedushas Yisroel in Great Neck

By Rabbi Gavriel Tesser, It has been over a decade since Rav Mordechai Aderet of Monsey, NY, began making an impact in Great Neck,...

The Matzav Shmoooze: When We Treat Our Youth Like Yesterday’s Mail

Dear Editor, We treat our young neshamos like rubbish and then we want to know why children go off the derech. We make it impossible...

Reader Writes: Your Ad Is Bothering Me

Dear Matzav Editor, The ad on your site of a person shaking his head indicating no nod all along the summary page is extremely annoying....

The Matzav Shmoooze: Who Let the Dogs Out at a Wedding?

Dear Editor, Perhaps you've seen the video. May you're lucky enough to have not. The clip shows a dog being walked down to a chupah at...

Nolte: Dr. Fauci Is Either a Liar or a Fraud

By John Nolte Mea culpa: I spent a lot of time on these here digital pages defending Dr. Anthony Fauci. Brother, was I wrong. Fauci...

The Forward: “This Sukkot, Ditch Your Etrog and Lulav in Favor of Apples and...

By CB Frommer, reposted from last year The anti-religious, left-leaning Forward has done it again, throwing tradition to the wind for “progressiveness” and “open-mindedness.” The latest...

“Women of the Wall”: As if we Don’t Have Enough Problems Already

By Rabbi Moshe Averick A group called "Women of the Wall" is in the news again. For some time now they have been demanding the...

NY Post: Bloomberg’s Nannyism Extends To Circumcision

The following is a New York Post editorial: Today New York has a budget of $70 billion a year, twice what it was when Mayor...

Readers’ Matzav: Hishtadlus?

Dear Editor, I recently read a letter written by someone who vociferously argued that yungeleit must do something for their future parnassah, even if at...

Ready to Fight

By Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz In this week’s parsha of Ki Seitzei, we learn about fighting evil. We learn about going to war against enemies,...

Please Help Us!

By Rabbi Pinchos Lipschutz For many Israelis, the day began the same way. They were sitting at home, drinking their morning coffee, when the air raid...

Why Voting for Hillary is a Grave Chillul Hashem

Dear [email protected], I’ve read so much about this presidential election and why people support this candidate or that one. I have spoken to literally thousands of...

Open Orthodoxy: The Rise of the Neo-Cons

By Rabbi Steven Pruzansky No one wants machloket (strife). That admirable sentiment, a defining characteristic of Jewish personal and national life, to a large extent underlies the...

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