Rav Belsky to Speak at Nikkur Seminar in Monsey Tonight

Tonight, the Orthodox Union's Harry H. Beren Ask OUtreach program will continue its travels in Monsey, NY, where Rav Yisroel Belsky, rosh yeshiva of...

Skverer Rebbe to Gerrer Rebbe: Cell Phone is ‘Yeitzer Hara of the Generation’

During his visit this past week to the United States, the Gerrer Rebbe met with numerous rabbonim and admorim, including Rav Yosef Rosenblum, Rav...

Why Was Rav Avigdor Miller’s Head In The Sink?

In honor of the yahrtzeit of Rav Avigdor Miller zt"l, yesterday, 27 Nissan: Rav Avigdor Miller was known for his emphasis on appreciating the wonder...

Gedolim Speak Out Against Excessive Shidduchim Demands

A meeting was held recently in Bnei Brak by an organization called Shehasimcha Bimono. The purpose of the meeting was to try and put...

Rav Yitzchok Scheiner to Spend Shabbos in Flatbush

Rav Yitzchok Sheiner, Rosh Hayeshiva of Yeshivas Kamenitz in Yerushalayim and a member of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah in Eretz Yisroel, is in the United...

Rav Chaim Stein Recalls Birchas Hachama of 1925

Last Wednesday, Erev Pesach, as Yidden all over the world gathered to recite the once-in-28-years bracha of Birchas Hachama, a gathering was held as...

Rav Zalman Teitelbaum of Satmar to Spend Shabbos in Kiryas Yoel Ahead of Divrei...

Rav Zalman Leib Teitelbaum of Satmar will be spending this Shabbos, Parshas Re'eh, in Kriyas Yoel in advance of the yahrtzeit of his uncle,...

Rav Elyashiv: There’s No Inyan of 40 days at the Kosel

In the latest edition of the "Dvar Hashem Zu Halacha" publication, there are a number of shailos that were presented to Maran Rav Yosef...

Hespeidim for Rav Elya Svei zt”l at Telshe Yeshiva-Chicago

This evening, hespeidim for Harav Elya Svei zt"l, Rosh Hayeshiva of the Yeshiva of Philadelphia, will be given at Telshe Yeshiva-Chicago, which is led...

Hundreds Gather in Preparation for Perek Eizehu Neshech

Seventeen "Pesicha" shiurim, organized by Agudath Israel of America's Daf Yomi Commission, were delivered across the United States and Canada to prepare the lomdei...

Listen: The 20-Minute Daf Yomi Shiur By Rabbi Berach Steinfeld – Eiruvin 20


Rav Chaim Pruzansky z”l

It is with great sadness that we report the passing of Rav Chaim Hakohen Pruzansky z"l this past Shabbos. Reb Chaim was the last of many...

Sources: Rav Elyashiv to Approve Agreement With Intel

According to sources in Yerushalayim, Maran Rav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv is expected to approve an agreement between rabbonim and the Executive Committee of Intel...

Vizhnitz: Children Whose Parents Have Unfiltered Internet Will Be Expelled

Surveys have found that increasing numbers of chareidim in Israel have Internet in their homes, but this Yom Tov, two drashos featured strong remarks...

Video: The Belzer Rebbe Lighting Menorah

In the following video, the Belzer Rebbe, Rav Yissochor Dov Rokeach, is seen lighting the menorah in Kiryat Belz, Yerushalayim. Click below to watch: {Yair...

Rav Gedalia Schorr zt”l, On His 30th Yahrtzeit, Today 7 Tammuz

By Rabbi Nosson Scherman The last day of Rabbi Gedalia Schorr's life was typical of so many others, especially in his later years. It should...

Audio: Rav Elyashiv’s Remarks Regarding Entering the Knesset

Yesterday, we reported that Rav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv, during a shiur, commented on the permissibility of shomrei Torah umitzvos of entering the Knesset...

Photos, Video: Thousands Attend BMG Evening of Chizuk

It is truly an event unlike any other perhaps in the entire world. Literally thousands of bnei Torah - roshei yeshiva, yungeleit, mechanchim,...

Wedding of Great-Grandson of Vizhnitzer Rebbe of Monsey

Last night, Yisroel Hager married Faiga Dishel Shneibalg, daughter of Rav Chaim Yechiel Aaron Mayer Shneibalg, Zidichover Rebbe in Bnei Brak. The chosson is...

Daf Yomi Begins Bava Metziah

Lomdei Daf Hayomi worldwide have started Maseches Bava Metziah today, having wrapped up Maseches Bava Kamma yesterday. The learners of Daf Yomi are making...

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