Private Living in the Heart of the Eternal City

Completion of the Concierge Pavilion at Jerusalem Estates As the summer approaches, we are pleased to bring news of the completion of our gatehouse, where...

The desires of every father and mother should be…

Hadracha from the Sanz Klausenberger Rebbe zt''l delivered at a Yeshiva dinner in Boro Park in 5742

VIDEO: Powerful Bracha from Rav Shimon Galai, One of the Great Tzaddikim and Mekubalim...

Rosh Hashanah is fast approaching. Please, hear the cry of your brothers and sisters in Israel and send financial help! The money raised will...

TRAGEDY IN LOS ANGELES: Young Couple In Horrific Crash In Denver; Mother R”L Killed,...

Tragedy struck the Los Angeles Jewish community on Thursday morning, when word spread of a horrific incident.Sources tell YWN that a young couple from...

People Claim They Had Crazy Yeshuos After They Did This

The Rosenblatt kids don’t like to have friends over. They all share one room and sleep on mattresses on the floor. There are never...

Frum Man in Critical Condition After Accident, Wife Having Baby Any Day Now

Until the accident, Yonatan was a husband, father, hard worker, and G-d fearing Jew. One day, on his way to work to make a...

Why InventHelp Is an Ideal Choice for New Inventors

Why InventHelp Is an Ideal Choice for New Inventors Breaking out as a new inventor can be quite daunting for many people. While you might...

How Bnei Torah are Gaining Mastery of Hilchos Shabbos in This Online Program Based...

How can one choose his shirt from a pile of different types of clothing and not transgress borer on Shabbos?What does one do if...

Important Message for Those Considering a Move to Lakewood

Today, Lakewood has become the foremost Jewish community to settle in. While the community is excited to welcome all who would like to settle...

Important letter from Rabbi Yom Tov Glaser released

  Image finding out your son was dying of cancer and your whole world getting ripped apart over the course of 6 months. When their 11 year...

Will Israel ever legalize online gambling?

According to the Israeli Penal law 5737, established in 1977, gambling, including online gambling is illegal in the country. Therefore no legal or official...

For 9 Months He Stayed Inside. In Just One Week, He Was Gone.

“Calculated risk:” It’s a phrase we’re all familiar with in 2020. In making their daily plans, each individual in the world has weighed needs...

The Doctor Who Went to War for YOU

Dr. Zev ben Leah Zelenko has been in the news since March. You saw his picture, watched his videos and read about his relentless...

GYE Member Speaks: My Story Of Addiction With Forbidden Websites

By (name withheld)I grew up in a Modern Orthodox home. During my childhood, I spent many hours in front of a television and watching...

A Matter Of Choice

For over four decades, the EFRAT organization, under the leadership of the devoted Dr. Eli Schussheim z”l, has been saving Jewish babies by giving...

The Historic Emergence of a Vast Torah Network

About twenty months ago a beautiful Kehillah has risen, with a single mission of emitting the light of Torah and Avodas Hashem under the...

A Rare Request From Rosh Yeshivas Beis Medrosh Elyon

A  Rare Request From Rosh Yeshivas Beis Medrosh Elyon: “Teves 5783 To the generous ones of our nation, I have come to recommend with my entire heart...

The City of Torah –Ecological

A house with yard for an avrech –for less than a thousand dollars per month.   The City of Torah, located in Mexico, is presided...

All-Night Learning, Davening at the Kosel for Your Loved Ones!

While the world is glued to the game, we’re glued to our gemara. Tackling a Tosfos. Wrestling with a Rashba.   While the world is captivated...

JEWELS School Presents: Brand New Song featuring Shulem Lemmer!

Dedicated to every parent and caregiver of children with special needsThe JEWELS School is currently running its ‘Milestone’ campaign!CLICK HERE TO WATCHJEWELS' mission is...

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