Common Viruses Surge Due To COVID ‘Immunity Debt’

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Healthcare experts around the world are warning that while cases of COVID-19 are declining there is a surge of viral outbreaks from other, more common diseases. By avoiding contact with others last year we failed to build up natural immunity and we will pay the price. Experts are calling this phenomenon “immunity debt.”

Doctors say the practices of hand washing and disinfecting proved to be valuable tools during the COVID-19 pandemic. Not only did these measures help reduce the risk of transmission of the novel coronavirus in kids and adults alike, but they also reduced the number of cases of other infectious childhood ailments, such as chicken pox, strep throats, and stomach viruses.

But as American life returns to normal, doctors are now seeing an uptick in runny noses and flu-like symptoms caused by common viruses. Colds are making a comeback after a record low number of cases this past pandemic year.

“People are taking off their masks, they’re no longer social distancing, they’re not washing their hands as much and they’re getting sick again,” said Dr. Aaron Glatt, an infectious disease expert at Mount Sinai South Nassau in Oceanside, N.Y. “Getting back to normal comes at a price,” Glatt told USA Today.

Read more at NEWSMAX.



  1. Of course, this phenomenon has nothing to do with diagnosing every death WITH a positive covid test as a death FROM covid up until a few months ago, a policy that would magically defeat all noncovid diseases during its implementation but alas would let all the previously-defeated diseases magically reappear upon a cessation of the above-mentioned “with policy”. Oh, and the hospitals had no financial reason to fudge the covid data, as they were not-at-all generously rewarded financially by the federal government for every reported covid fatality. And of course, no dissidents were silenced and no contra-revolutionary doctors who dared to doubt the official party-line had their medical licenses revoked by the glorious not-at-all-politicised medical-commissariat. We, the proletariat with the IQ on the left side of the bell curve, confirm our dogmatic belief in Fauciscience, and we demand that all antifauci-heretics be referred to a local Inquisition office and be burned at a stake, Giordano Bruno style. Special words of gratitude to our dear YevSektsiya hero, Commissar Glatt.

  2. Covid-19 killed the flu, runny noses, heart attacks, allergies, and whatnot. How about bringing Covid back? After all, statistic showed that fewer people died in 2020 than in previous years. Besides, if you won’t allow anyone to be hospitalized, there would not even be a pandemic anymore.

    • Where did you get that statistic from? I read numerous times that about 200k more people died in 2020 than in 2019.

  3. So it turns out that all the “safety measures” imposed for COVID-19 didn’t just not work (e.g. CDC admitted that social distancing was pointless when they said 6 feet can be reduced to 3 feet; CDC study showed that virus was not being communicated via hand-to-surface contamination, rendering constant glove-wearing and hand-washing pointless; statistical evidence shows that mask-wearing had no impact on COVID spread…), but it also caused much harm. Who would have thunk!

  4. Like those armchair generals, who never had a minute of military training, and cannot desist from commenting on army operations, a multitude of toilet seat experts are constantly voicing their ignorant and uneducated opinions on medical and epidemiological issues of which they possess neither the knowledge nor the understanding.
    There is a reason why in every field of human endeavors there exist experts, amateurs, and laypersons. All of the categories could and should ask questions, but leaving the answers to those who actually know what they are talking about is the intelligent approach.
    Do you guys also dabble in paskening eruvin and yevamos? I didn’t think so.

    • Dear Marc 9:55, without discussing your fear of addressing actual arguments and your dogmatic theory of who is allowed to speak, let’s work within your erroneous premise, which obviously requires to define an “expert” vs an “amateur”. Indubitably, an expert will have a track record of being correct most of the time and being correct more often than the amateurs. If a self-proclaimed expert has been consistently wrong, then he is no expert; perhaps a “toilet seat expert”, borrowing your lingo. So, say hello to your fellow Faucists in cubicles next to yours and resist your urge not to flush.


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