De Blasio: Hold Off on Protests

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New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio asked protesters to hold off on demonstrations until the families of murdered police officers Rafael Ramos and Wenjian Liu had time to mourn.

“I would ask any organizations that are planning any events about politics or protests, let’s do that another day,” he said at the Police Athletic League December luncheon Monday.

De Blasio denounced Saturday’s murder as an affront to the city. “The attack on them was an attack on all of us. It was an attack on every single New Yorker. We have to see it as such,” he said.

Over the weekend, the head of the New York police union accused De Blasio of having blood on his hands and claimed the mayor incited violence against cops. Read more at NBC News.

{Andy Newscenter}


  1. This dufuss, DeBlasio didn’t even get the majority of the Democrat vote in the nomination process. Remember there were so many candidates split the vote amongst each other. It was only after he squeaked in thru the back door and was left standing after Bill Thompson was threatened to keep quiet. Once he was the Democrat nominee so of coarse this City being outnumbered 5-1 by Dems and Joe Lohta “lacked personality” , it was a shoe in for this bum.

  2. Hold off hold off time to end them. This fool is the problem. He recently met with the protest leaders and agreed with them

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