De Blasio To Announce New NYC Mask Policy As Delta Variant Spreads

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Mayor Bill de Blasio will issue local guidance next week on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s new advice that both vaccinated and unvaccinated people should wear masks indoors to protect against the virulent Delta variant of the coronavirus.

“On Monday, we’ll give a shape of things to people to help guide them while emphasizing the thing that’s absolutely irreplaceable is vaccination,” de Blasio said at his daily press briefing Thursday.

On Tuesday, the CDC recommended indoor-mask mandates even for fully vaccinated people in areas experiencing spikes in COVID-19 cases.

The recommendation is a reversal of the agency’s determination in May that vaccinated people could ditch their face coverings in most indoor settings.

De Blasio has resisted following the CDC’s advice, saying it could deter the roughly 45 percent of New York City residents who are still unvaccinated from getting the shot.

Read more at NY Post.



  1. The one thing that must be emphasized is that the only reason we are still having a Covid problem is that some people refuse to get vaccinated. If everyone was vaccinated, the Delta strain would not be a problem.
    People not getting vaccinated are not just hurting themselves, but everyone else also.

  2. I agree. I think he should shut all Shuls again. He should mandate social distancing again, especially in supermarkets. Anyone caught without wearing a mask should be fined or arrested. Any rodef who breaks the rules and enters a Shul, even with a plastic partition by the bima, should be scorned by the entire community. No one should marry into their family. Any Rav that allows his Shul to operate should be thrown out of the Rabbonus. Is it worth even one person dying?! The aiva that we have already caused is what’s preventing Moshiach from coming. These reckless rotzchim are what’s keeping the Bais hamikdash from being rebuilt.

  3. The mandate should be on the unvaccinated to get the shot… people who vaccinated shouldn’t be forced to wear masks in order to protect people who don’t care about their own health


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