Don Imus Knocks Sean Hannity, Shep Smith

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don-imusRadio host Don Imus took a few shots at Fox News personalities yesterday morning, calling Sean Hannity’s attacks on President Obama “idiotic” and “tiresome” and noting that Shepard Smith sometimes acted “crazy” and “liberal.”

Imus’s remarks came during an interview with Fox News White House correspondent Ed Henry. The radio host praised Fox News for being “as fair as you can possibly be, certainly as fair as CBS or NBC,” but later added that he doesn’t approve of all the hosts.

Hannity was a friend, Imus said, “but that doesn’t mean I endorse his idiotic positions on anything.” He then said Hannity’s nightly attacks on Obama had grown “tiresome.” Megyn Kelly, the daytime host, was “cute” but “shrill.” Smith sometimes acted “crazy, like he’s a liberal or something.”

The full remarks at Mediaite.

Dylan Byers

{ Newscenter}


  1. I hardly listen to talk radio anymore because they’ve all become tiresome, just attacking Democrates even when there’s nothing to attack. However I did turn on Hannity for a few minutes last night in the car and I agree with Imus 100%. He was just criticizing for nothing. It’ll soon be like the boy who cried wolf. The conservatives won’t be taken seriously when they have legitimate concerns.

  2. I love it. Let the canopies of neglect fight eachother for our edification.

    And Mr. Hannity has no remorse for his words of neglect and misfortune.

    As for Shep, he is a lonely guy out there in the TV Land since he has little to say about American Dignity and Human Achievement other than his usual complacent grin.

  3. He is so irrelevant that many people hadn’t realized he is still on the air. If he has any friends, they should tell him to trim those dander filled eyebrow tufts.

  4. The Iman is a washed up old prune! He is an admited racist and should of been sent, along with Joe Biden, to the dog track!

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