Dr. Berman: The Danger Of Simchos Amidst Covid-19

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With great pain, we recently heard of two more grandparents attending two different weddings of their grandchildren, contracting COVID-19, and being niftar. I do not know the total count, but we have heard of more than a few other cases like this over the past year. It has gotten to the point where wedding halls are advertising “cages” to protect the vulnerable.

If we have reached the point that grandparents have to be kept in cages, then perhaps it is time to carefully reevaluate how we celebrate Chasunahs and the Simchas that accompany them. I understand the incredible Simchah that a chasunah brings to the parents and family. It is years of hard work from the time the children are born to bring them to the point of a chasunah, for them to raise their children and pass on our Mesorah. Chasunahs have traditionally been celebrated together with friends and family.

However, it is extremely difficult to keep Chasunahs and their accompanying Simchas (Vorts, aufrufs, and Sheva Berachos’), safe during this period of history, when the SARS Co-V-2 virus (Corona) is still infecting members of our communities on a daily basis. Although the vast majority recover quickly, unfortunately some individuals have succumbed to this virus. Although the medical care is dramatically better than it was Purim and Pesach time, we are still having Levayas related to this infection.

Strategies that have been used to safeguard yeshivos, and to some extent in shuls, are not possible by Simchos. These include careful screening for potential exposures, especially when bachurim and avreichim spent some time outside of the yeshiva, and also careful screening for symptoms. There is also a unified sense of purpose to keep yeshiva going which makes it easier to rely on reporting of exposures and symptoms.

In weddings with many guests and two families, often with different outlooks on the whole COVID-19 (the infection caused by the virus) situation, it is impossible to screen in this way. In addition, the excitement is so great for a chasunah, that someone who has symptoms that could be related to COVID-19 might overlook them so as not to miss the chasunah. I know of situations where the Kallah, Chassan, or parents of either were heavily exposed just prior to the chasunah and rightfully should have been in quarantine, but just could not pass it up. In addition, often the symptoms are so subtle that someone may not even realize that he could potentially have Covid 19.

Furthermore, the close physical contact which is part of a chasunah, combined with the loud singing and heavy breathing, makes a chasunah a set up for multiple infections. One infected individual can easily come into close physical contact with so many on the dance floor or even just walking around. Aside from the chasunah, the vort often crowds many people into a small space. Sheva Berachos have families generally close together in an eating situation with masks off, where again many infections have occurred.

In yeshivas, if bochurum get infected, the danger is minuscule. At chasunahs, there are often many members of the older generation. The grandparents may be locked up in cages, but other family members of the same generation are generally not.

The cage itself is no guarantee of protection. It is open on the top generally. Sometimes, individuals will venture out for a short amount of time. It also should be known that masks are not fully protective. Based on studies of particles the same size of virus, it appears that masks will block the majority of these particles, but not all of them.

Another issue is the tremendous anxiety that the Simchas create for families. Often, one side looks disparagingly at those who are concerned about Covid 19. The other side might feel very bad about “shterring” the Simchah or may be very resentful about the attitude of the other side, but most importantly, extremely anxious about their safety for the weeks leading to the Simchah.

We are hoping the arrival of the vaccines will greatly alleviate the problem. So far, it appears that there is little risk in taking them, and significant benefit, even if not 100% protective. With the vaccines and whatever else Hakadosh Baruch Hu will do to stop the spread of the infection, we hope that soon life will get back to normal. In the meanwhile, we should strongly consider curtailing the Simchas drastically. We can discuss in further detail how to do this. Certainly, the number of people at the chasunahs has to be reduced. Risk should not be taken if there are individuals recently exposed. Dancing has to be modified. The Sheva Berachos have to be curtailed and modified to take into full consideration potential risk. Vorts should be smaller and again consideration has to be given to find ways to minimize risk.

Let us continue to Daven for all this to end. For now, we should carefully evaluate what our Hishtadlus requires. We do not want to see any more Simchah stained with sorrow.

Daniel Berman, M.D.



  1. Dr. Berman’s article makes a lot of sense . He clearly explains the ramifications of large simchas, family worries , families perhaps not being able to quarantine properly as they have a Simcha to plan and mechutunim to deal with etc etc etc..some won’t test as they’d rather not know !
    Yet ; I don’t know who Dr. Berman is ?
    One might take this a little more seriously if his credentials are listed .
    Thank you !

  2. Thank you, Dr. Berman.
    Two former rabeim of mine in their late seventies were niftar during this mageifa precisely in this situation – they attended a grandchild’s chasunah, contracted Covid-19, and within a week or two they were gone.
    One of my kids attended a friend’s chasunah about a month ago and within a week other friends who attended had contracted Covid-19. B”H in this case they were young and healthy and they’ve since recovered.

    Please be safe. It’s far better for Zaidy and Bubby to be missed at the chasunah than to lose them and miss them forever.

    • Your post is full of nonsense and fantasies. There’s no way a person can contract a virus within a week!!! It takes at least between 10 days and 2 weeks minimum. Secondly, what did they die from? Covid-19 has proven to be a hoax. Thirdly, there was no mageifa, as Rav Chaim Kanievsky shlit”a stated.

      I’m sorry, Dr. Berman, there’s absolutely no danger of making simchos, even big simchos. I’ve attended many large simchos and nobody got sick from this non-existing virus. Those people who happened to die after a simcha were sick before they went to the simcha. YOU GUYS SHOULD BREAK YOUR RADIO AND TV.

      Any doctor who claims that covid-19 exists and even diagnoses sick patients as having covid should have their license removed.

      • Meheicha Teisi?
        Many doctors and Rabbanim disagree with you. Before you condemn anybody, do your research. COVID is not a hoax, it’s that it’s so new, no one is 100% sure of what to do.
        “Any doctor who claims that covid-19 exists and even diagnoses sick patients as having covid should have their license removed.” Are you out of your mind? People have been niftar from this.

        • Don’t waste your time responding to a troll.

          How can we be sure it’s a troll and not just someone who’s misinformed or a lunatic?
          -The incorrect info about viruses may be just an ignorance-based mistake.
          -Stating that Covid -19 is a hoax is obviously lunacy, but unfortunately many truly believe it.
          -It’s the lie about Rav Kanievsky that exposes this troll as a troll. A Google search of “Rav Chaim Kanievsky covid-19” brings up many, many pages of hits on articles and videos of him encouraging people to get the vaccine. Here’s one of the links on this very site: https://matzav.com/watch-rav-chaim-kanievsky-take-the-covid-vaccine-and-do-not-be-afraid/
          Furthermore, Rave Kanievsky himself contracted Covid-19 and has B”H since recovered. This isn’t something that’s possible to make a mistake about, it’s clearly a filthy lie and the chutzpah to tell such a lie in all likelihood is coming from a professional, probably non-Jewish troll.
          Our troll isn’t too smart, either – why lie about something that’s so easily shown to be a lie?

  3. So what’s takeh the aitza? Not get married until the mageifa is completely gone? Only allow young people to attend the chassuna? Make a chassuna, but only make one in the driveway next to the stinky garbage cans with exactly 10 men? Make a drive thru chassuna in the parking lot of the hall? Make one on the street in Boro Park wearing masks outside Zaidy’s window?
    The danger of people contracting the Covid is real and dangerous. I don’t think there is a single Shul where there isn’t someone who lost a relative due to Covid. My own Father Z”L was nifter recently due to Covid complications although he was quarantined at home the entire time since Purim. My problem with all these experts and talking heads, is that their comments generally border on kefira. What they convey is that IF the people who’ve died from Covid wouldn’t of gone to a chassuna or Shul, they would of lived until 170, but now that they did go, they all died early. In other words, the bas kol that states how many years on this earth this particular noshoma will live, is all nonsense and bubbu maasos. The entire gzaira on Rosh Hashana is also a joke. These expert “speakers’ have taken the Aibishter out of the equation R”L. Wear a mask- live till 170. Don’t wear a mask- die from Covid in a week. Social distance – live till 170. Don’t social distance – die in a week. Me yichyeh ume yamus is no longer in the Aibishter’s hands. Our doing mitzvos or avairos is meaningless. WE control our destiny. These “speakers” have to be very careful not to shake the foundations of Emuna!

  4. @Anonymous 11:15
    I am glad for your concern. However, I am wondering why we can’t modify weddings so grandparents can attend safely. Limit the size, have it spaced out and if you must have dancing have it after the benching, so high risk people can leave.

    Grandparents have much more nachas from a wedding than the friends. why do we need to cut them out. Maybe we need to grow up?

  5. Mr. Anonymous, poster #1, you should be proud of your post. Sadly your point is brilliantly presented. Sadly Dr. Berman is right too! Can’t we beseech the Ribono Shel Oilam with earnest and get this thing done with?
    גענוג שוין ג-ט’ניו

  6. Dr. Berman must be looking forward for the lockdowns as they will eradicate all the sickness, I mean, coronas in the world and nobody will become sick again… ever.

  7. Notice:
    The so-called Zelenko-protocol is effective for the new strains too.
    And it is also effective in cases of reinfection.

    The explanation given is that in all cases of covid, the replication process is the same.
    Therefore the protocol to halt the replication remains the same.

  8. Thank you Dr. Berman for once again hitting the nail on the head.
    Your outstanding advice and guidance over the last 6 months has created so much limud hatorah and hasmodah in our Yeshiva, and in many other yeshivos.
    We appreciate everything that you are doing for Klal Yisroel and the Bnei Torah in many Yeshivas across the country.

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