IDF Considers Full Gender Integration Of Combat Units

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The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) revealed that it has formed a committee to consider allowing women to serve in frontline combat positions, beyond the mixed gender light-infantry units in which they already serve.

A recent High Court of Justice petition, which four female teenagers brought to force the military to permit them to try out for units that are currently only open to men, precipitated the move.

The military maintained that there was no need for the court’s involvement, as it had independently formed a committee in July and already begun to evaluate the issue. The Times of Israel (TOI) reported that the IDF has requested a full year to review the issue and reach a decision.

Read more at i24NEWS



  1. Rabbi Yitzchok Yosef: The Chazon Ish died from the enlistment of women, the Rabbi took it to heart, and very possible that’s why he died.

    How can they expect siyatta Dishmaya when they deliberately go against Hashem’s Torah? It would be extremely dangerous for anyone to serve in this army that has no siyatta Dishmaya, no Heavenly protection.

  2. Naive young children. Not from orthodox family.

    The IDF should build its ease more foreign support from the USA. Help could integrate future forces. How could anyone think USA would not support Zion Judaism? Maybe the Earth would craft.

    Groovy kids. Not a life of health planned but the falafel. What honor for Torah family future full? Well, I have been noting comments. Hope we do.

    • Tired world of war. We want more hours of health in our homes. Why Israel still fights itself is a fools idea of gold safe gold. We are only to be mindful of mitzvots. Not ass, gold or microscope.

      Candidly, we do have honor to be kosher in our eruv. Make them more inclusive.

  3. There are about 1000 abortions in the IDF every year. Israel is the ONLY country in the world that makes women/girls serve in the army. Look at that chamor sitting among the girls.

    • I know I know Israel can only do wrong. erase all the good they do. and magnify all the bad. if only you applied the same logic closer to home.

    • Israel is the ONLY country in the world that makes women/girls serve in the army…

      The only one besides Bolivia, Chad, Eritrea, Mozambique, North Korea, Norway, Sweden, Tunisia and Venezuela.

      Stop believing lies that are fed to you about Israel.

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