Is it Mutar to Take the Covid Vaccine?

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Is it Mutar to take the Covid Vaccine? Join the debate in this week’s segment of the Headlines show.

The Modern Halacha discussion is very complex. Only the greatest minds of our time can address the thorny halachic issues that arise.

R’ Dovid Lichtenstein has developed an incredible opportunity for Jews all over today, in hosting his Halacha Headlines weekly podcast.

Each week, R’ Dovid invites various gedolim and experts in the topic of discussion, to work through the halachic nuances of each issue. These Question and Answer style shiurim can be accessed on his easily navigated website or at 732.806.8700. Podcasts can be downloaded and listened to anytime, anywhere.

This week’s discussion addresses the COVID vaccine and whether it is mutar to take it from a halachic and hashkafic perspective. HaRav Shmuel Kamenetsky Shlita will be joining this week’s segment to discuss the vaccine.
Previous episodes cover topics such as Moshiach, “Heter” Kiruv, Yerushas, Marijuana and Ribbis.

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  1. In this document below, on page 49, you will read that Pfizer does not have adequate data at this time on pregnant women or immunocompromised individuals.

    8.4. Unknown Risks/Data Gaps Safety in certain subpopulations There are currently insufficient data to make conclusions about the safety of the vaccine in subpopulations such as children less than 16 years of age, pregnant and lactating individuals, and immunocompromised individuals.


    In this document below, page 7, you will read that Pfizer will be conducting observation studies (under “conditions of authorization for the EUA”) on the vaccine’s effect on pregnant women and immunocompromised people (and others).,%2C%20and%20severe%20COVID%2D19.

    N. Pfizer Inc. will conduct post-authorization observational study(ies) to evaluate the association between Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine and a pre-specified list of adverse events of special interest, along with deaths and hospitalizations, and severe COVID-19. The study population should include individuals administered the authorized Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine under this EUA in the general U.S. population (16 years of age and older), populations of interest such as healthcare workers, pregnant women, immunocompromised individuals, subpopulations with specific comorbidities. The study(ies) should be conducted in large scale databases with an active comparator. Pfizer Inc. will provide protocols and status update reports to the IND 19736 with agreed-upon study designs and milestone dates.

  2. Rav Kamenetsky, shlita, said you should listen to your doctor if he tells you to take the vaccine unless you have a reason not to.
    Perhaps one of the reasons not to is that this vaccine is causing adverse reactions in people who have been taking it.
    For examples:

    Five Alaska health care workers experienced adverse reactions to the COVID-19 vaccine — including two cases that were considered serious.
    A nurse in Tennessee passed out after she got the covid vaccine.
    Four people at a Chicago suburban hospital experienced tingling and elevated heart rate shortly after receiving the Covid vaccine. The hospital temporarily stopped vaccination “out of an abundance of caution.” (They have resumed.)
    Two Britons developed an anaphylactoid reaction shortly after receiving the Pfizer vaccine on the U.K.’s first day of its mass vaccination program. British regulators warn the vaccine shouldn’t be given to anyone who has had a significant allergic reaction to a vaccine, medicine or food, or carries an adrenaline shot. In addition, vaccinations should not be given in facilities that don’t have resuscitation equipment.

    Interestingly, the FDA said that people who have severe allergic reactions against food and medicine SHOULD take the vaccine anyway.

    In this document is further information on this vaccine, including the possible danger of PEG (polyethylene glycol), one of the ingredients in the vaccine that can cause severe reactions in those who are allergic to it.

    • First tell me what the purpose of the vaccine is? Will it eliminate Covid which got rid of all the sicknesses in the world and nobody will become sick again and nobody will die again?


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