Reporters Growing Frustrated With Little Access To Biden

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Reporters are growing frustrated with the lack of access to President-Elect Joe Biden and are asking for longer and more frequent briefings, reports Fox News.

Biden’s transition team has been holding weekly briefings on Zoom. If a reporter wants to ask a question, they type a request in the chat section. Biden’s team decides which reporter to call on.

Just five journalists were allowed to ask questions during Friday’s briefing and none of them asked about Hunter Biden, who earlier this week said his taxes were being investigated by federal officials.

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  1. Ha ha ha. What a joke. The media is in love with Biden/Harris. The only tough hard hitting investigative questions they’ll ever ask him are: what’s your favorite ice cream? Where are you taking Jill for her birthday? What was your high score on your highschool basketball team? Are you going to plant organic brussels sprouts in the WH garden? Will you be adopting a cat?


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