Israel Hit With Two Cases Of SIDS In In One Morning

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Two cases of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) were reported in Israel Monday morning.

The first incident occurred in Yerushalayim, when the parents of an infant approximately one year-old brought their child to a medical clinic after he did not wake up.

The second case occurred when a one-and-a-half year old did not wake up in his home in Netanya.

United Hatzalah volunteer EMT Yaakov Ben David who was one of the first responders at the scene said: “When I arrived at the scene I saw an infant with no signs of life.”

“According to his family he did not wake up this morning. Together with other EMS personnel I performed CPR on the infant but after a lengthy attempt to save his life paramedics were forced to pronounce the child dead. Due to the nature of the incident the Psychotrauma and Crisis Response Unit was dispatched to assist the family.”

Read more at Arutz Sheva.



  1. Once a child is already a year old – its not sids. (Its called Suds) But usually there was something wrong. Are they going to start calling adult deaths sids too?


      S.I.D.S. – Sudden Infant Death Syndrome IS NOT the name of a disease!! Its very words tell you that, as ALL that they say is that a baby suddenly died, which everyone who was there already well knows. But it tells you ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about WHY the infant died, and is thus the title given when the doctors do not know why the infant died.
      More correctly: It is thus the title given when the doctors CLAIM that they do not know why the infant died (but, in reality, they very well most certainly DO KNOW why the infant died but do not want to admit it!) (Please see the next comment and, B’Ezras Hashem, my remark on it.)

      • Vaxxers can’t live pain-free if their immune system was destroyed by the vaccinations. Autism, allergies, etc. were [almost] not heard of before 1960. You need to educate yourself a bit instead of blindly trusting doctors who are just following their protocol and are not researching the truth. If vaccinations were so safe, why are vaxxers so worried?

    • To Israel: You hit the nail right on the head!! There are countless incidents where a child — who, until now had been perfectly fine — upon mere seconds after he got “his shot,” began loud unstoppable screaming and soon was in violent convulsions and soon after that was laying silent and dead!! So it is glaringly obvious that this child, LoAlaynu – it should never happen to us, had a severely destructive and even fatal reaction to that vaccine. Yet, in the vast majority of these types of cases, in writing up the official death documents, the attending medical personnel put “S.I.D.S.” in the slot for “Cause of Death.”

      Stating this outright blatant lie accomplishes two huge benefits for the regular medical community:

      1.) With the totally vague “S.I.D.S.” (“Sudden Infant Death Syndrome”) now “officially” stated as being the “official” cause of death by the “official” professional medical professionals, it is virtually impossible for the child’s parents to get any kind of legal justice and compensation for their murdered child, Hashem Yinakem Damo!!

      2.) Every time an incident of a vaccine caused injury or a vaccine caused death is effectively covered up, the regular medical community, along with their pro-vaxxer promoters in the media and in the government and in the wider communities, are able to easily continue to blare their heavy propaganda that the holy, holy, holy vaccinations are all holy and good and will keep us all “safe and warm” in a life that is “beautiful all the time” . . . . .

    • To Israel: You hit the nail right on the head!! There are countless incidents where a child — who, until now had been perfectly fine — upon mere seconds after he got “his shot,” began loud unstoppable screaming and soon was in violent convulsions and soon after that was laying silent and dead!! So it is glaringly obvious that this child, LoAlaynu – it should never happen to us, had a severely destructive and even fatal reaction to that vaccine. Yet, in the vast majority of these types of cases, in writing up the official death documents, the attending medical personnel put “S.I.D.S.” in the slot for “Cause of Death.”

      Stating this outright blatant lie accomplishes two huge benefits for the standard medical community:

      1.) With the totally vague “S.I.D.S.” (“Sudden Infant Death Syndrome”) now “officially” stated as being the “official” cause of death by the “official” professional medical professionals, it is virtually impossible for the child’s parents to get any kind of legal justice and compensation for their murdered child, Hashem Yinakem Damo!!

      2.) Every time an incident of a vaccine caused injury or a vaccine caused death is effectively covered up, the standard medical community, along with their numerous pro-vaxxer promoters in the media and in the government and in the wider communities, are able to easily continue to blare their heavy propaganda that the holy, holy, holy vaccinations are all holy and good and will keep us all “safe and warm” in a life that is “beautiful all the time” . . . . .


    S.I.D.S. – Sudden Infant Death Syndrome IS NOT the name of a disease!! Its very words tell you that, as ALL that they say is that a baby suddenly died, which everyone who was there already well knows. But it tells you ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about WHY the infant died, and is thus the title given when the doctors do not know why the infant died. [More correctly: It is thus the title given when the doctors CLAIM that they do not know why the infant died (but, in reality, they very well most certainly DO KNOW why the infant died but do not want to admit it!) (Please see the next comment and, B’Ezras Hashem, my remark on it.)]

  3. Dear “let Us Look At The Farce”,
    Another thing, don’t forget that Abraham Linconln was shot by Lee Harvey Oswal because he was Jewish. (He was shot in the temple.)

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