Israel’s Transportation Minister Planning Public Transportation on Shabbos

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Israeli Transportation Minister Merav Michaeli (Labor) on Monday submitted to the Ministry of Justice an amendment to the traffic regulations, the purpose of which is to allow the public the opportunity to order public transportation services from private companies during Shabbos, Arutz Sheva reports.

According to the report, the amendment will allow passengers to book a public vehicle that can transport eight or more passengers by prior reservation and payment by technological means, without subsidy from the state. The service offered in the amendment is a complementary service to organized transportation at an unsupervised price, while reducing the regulation that requires those to travel only with the booking and payment of one customer.

Arutz Sheva reports that the Ministry of Transportation stressed that the move is not meant to provide public transportation on Shabbos by the well-known companies. The Ministry stated that, since these operators will not receive a government subsidy, they will not be defined as “public transportation”. In this way, the Ministry estimates, it will succeed in getting the entire government to vote in favor of the amendment.

{ Israel}


  1. Following in her grandfather’s shmos rishoem yirkov Rudolf Kastner, who sent all the hungarian Jews and chana senesh to the gas chambers. They get a thrill from physically and spititually killing Jews.

    • but you leave out the select few who Kastner saved I wonder why? is it because the satmer rebbe was one of those privileged. hmm … kastner is a good scapegoat

      their were people who escaped to Hungary from poland who warned people but nobody took them seriously.

  2. To Tony Bob. November 30, 2021 at 9:24 am:

    Get your facts straight!
    Chana Senesh, A’H, H’ID did NOT die in the Gas Chambers. She was executed in Hungary, on 11/07/44, by firing squad. She was on a rescue mission to save Hungarian Jews. She was captured by the Nazis, tortured; never revealed the purpose or details of her mission, and shot.
    After WWII, her remains were brought to Israel, and re-interred there.


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