Jackie Mason: There Are Three Constants In Life: Death, Taxes And… Antisemitism

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Well, it is happening again. My grandfather told me about it. My father told me about it. Every other Jew who came over from Europe told me about it. Even the New York Times told me about it. You got it, antisemitism and the persecution of Jews.

When I was a young man sometime in the early part of last century, whenever I looked into the NY Times classified section for a job that I really needed, the jobs available would say “White Christian only”.

The NY Times wasn’t always as woke as it is now. I’m not even as woke as I am now, because I just fell asleep while writing this sentence.

I’ve always said there are three constants in life death, taxes, and antisemitism, a subject I’m an expert on unfortunately. All these people here in America and around the world commenting on the atrocities of the Israelis. Killing women and children! Ethnic cleansing! Apartheid!

Thousands of journalists sitting on their good for nothing tuchses yelling into the internet. All you hear is oy what a terrible thing the Israelis are doing. Evicting people from houses! Stopping people from praying! Terrible!

Read more at Jewish World Review.



    • He is actually the best suited person to bring this point home. He does not wear his tzitzis out. He does not – out of shul – wear a yarmulka in public. I am guessing that his wife does not wear a sheitle. So why is he an expert in the subject of anti-semitism? Because he IS. And because in spite fo the fact that he is NOT outwardly Jewish, and in spite of the fact that he mixes and mingles with the culture outside of ours, he is the victim of anti-semitism. Thus we learn a very important lesson from him. Halachah bi’yadua! Eisav sonei es Yaakov! nothing to do with how we look. It is because of who we are and what we represent.

      Thank you Mr. Maza. You indeed are MiZera Aharon HaKohein and recognize who you really are.

  1. Wipe it Jackie. The only constant in jewish life is worse than antisemitism. Its the jack jew who wants it.

    Who has time for death and taxes when the unorthodox run the wild show. Eat anything. Fool around with anyone. We have constants. Its the wrong people.

  2. There Are Three Constants In Life: Death, Taxes And… Antisemitism which will be ending soon with the completion of the draining of the Mossad, Cabal, Deep State swamp globally.

    Let’s not forget what Theodor Herzl wrote in his diaries c. 1897
    “It is essential that the sufferings of Jews become worse… This will assist in realization of our plans… I have an excellent idea… I shall induce anti-Semites to liquidate Jewish wealth… The anti-Semites will assist us thereby in that they will strengthen the persecution and oppression of Jews…. The anti-Semites shall be our best friends”

  3. There Are Three Constants In Life: Death, Taxes And… Antisemitism which will ALL be ending soon with the completion of the draining of the Mossad, Cabal, Deep State swamp globally.

    Let’s not forget what Theodor Herzl wrote in his diaries c. 1897
    “It is essential that the sufferings of Jews become worse… This will assist in realization of our plans… I have an excellent idea… I shall induce anti-Semites to liquidate Jewish wealth… The anti-Semites will assist us thereby in that they will strengthen the persecution and oppression of Jews…. The anti-Semites shall be our best friends”

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