Jared Kushner Dismisses Trump’s Document Stash As ‘Paperwork’ Issue

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Former White House senior aide Jared Kushner dismissed his father-in-law’s current troubles with top-secret documents as a mere “paperwork issue,” Huffington Post reports.

Kushner calmly shrugged off Trump’s stash of documents in an interview with Rupert Murdoch’s Sky News.

“Why did the president take home top secret documents?” Sky News host Kay Burley grilled Kushner.

“You have to ask him that question,” Kushner responded. “But what I will say is that … he was under constant attack,” he added.

“Yeah, but he took top secret documents home, potentially risking the security of the United States,” Burley shot back.

Kushner replied: “This seems like it’s an issue of paperwork that should’ve been able to be worked out between DOJ and [Trump]. I don’t know what he took or what he didn’t take, but I think right now that we’re relying on leaks to the media.”


  1. I will defer to Mark Levin once again. A president has a right to maintain his stuff especially things that have been declassified for up to 12 years. He kept it exactly the way they wanted it kept, under lack and key. He needs to be able to share it with National archives or whomever. That is the presidential act of whatever year it was. Sorry I don’t remember. The one that went into effect in 1980.

    The reason he’s allowed to keep it is in case he decides to run again. The only one that’s able to get rid of the bureaucrats in Washington who think they run the show, is President Trump. He has the guts. Not too many others have guts! The rest are a bunch of linguine spine Republicans.


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