Jewish UFC Fighter Shares Blunt Message For Kanye West

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Natan Levy has no tolerance for hate and anti-Semitism. The Israeli UFC fighter took some time to address Kanye West’s insanity following a win over Genaro Valdez. He firmly believes that if Kanye wants to share hateful messages about Jewish people and loudly shout about his love for Hitler, he should come speak with Levy, Outkick reports.

“Kanye West, if you have a problem with me or my people, come see me, bro,” Levy said.

He further added that he’s very “proud” of being Jewish and that he’ll “fight for it” and “fight for my people.”

It’s hard to tell if Levy is talking about Kanye coming to see him so he can give him the business or simply talk to him.

Either way, Kanye might want to stay away from Natan Levy.


  1. In these times, we need more like him, like BenGvir and ADL. These were the types who escaped the Nazis and who will help us escape the next upcoming onslaught.

  2. Please, while i wish mr Levy all succes, lets not make people think that he is a spokesman for us.
    We dont approve of his line of “work”( though, again, wishing him all the best) nor do we approve in his method of dealing with the situation.


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