LISTEN: Woman Takes Issue With Name of Kosher-Supervised Drink

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  1. I would’ve thought it would be a person who had a sensitivity which is admirable. Once you hear the recording it’s obvious that they need medical attention.

    • Agree. Matzav shouldn’t be using a special needs lady as a form of amusement for it’s readers. Now, of course, Matzav will censor my comment because they are sanctimonious babies.

    • In today’s immoral world there are b”H still people with morals and values, unlike you and many commenters like you. The Torah added additional letters איננה טהורה that is not clean, instead of הטמאה unclean, to teach refined language. Just like we have to be careful with שמירת עינים guarding your eyes we have to be careful with שמירת המחשבה guarding your thoughts. הרחק מן הכיעור ומן הדומה לו Distance yourself from ugliness and similar to it. Look up what Chazal suggest to a nazir in order not to go close to a vineyard.

  2. This is very not nice! not proper to embarass someone by posting their complaints….How did you even get this recording?

  3. what does the hashgachah have to do with naming the product? there is no problem with the name. You are taking things too far.

  4. ???????

    Naked Juice gets its name from its products’ absence of preservatives, added sugars, and artificial flavors.

    If you have time to waste, maybe spend it fighting real things that are more meaningful for your community like the tznius pandemic facing many communities near Lakewood. Tnius isn’t limited to revealing elbows and knees. It also includes the type of clothing one is wearing and sadly, many “frum” girls and ladies blatantly ignore this. You don’t need to be naked to be a perutzah. Just look around the frum communities. And men, this is not only a women problem. You need to speak up and tell your wife and daughters what is and isn’t appropriate to wear outside.

    • is that why they drive a truck with a person outfitted in regard to their company name painted on it. thats like 12 feet tall? Through Brooklyn?
      Yea, probably the additives…

  5. What’s the reason of posting this? She has some point, whether right or wrong to give a hechsher I don’t know but no point and not appropiate to post this.

  6. She’s 100% right. The best way to go about it is for all to boycott products with this filthy name. If no one buys it, they’ll automatically have to remove it. I believe Pepsi owns this company. The liberals want their lgbtqp filth to be the norm in every household. We must put our foot down and stop it NOW.

  7. Interestingly. I tried not to laugh too much. Just want to say….. calm down !!!!! We are in Golus can’t tell a company like
    Tropicana – PepsiCo what name to use.

  8. She’s totally right. I’m not sure what the fact that she moved to Lakewood has anything to do with this but she is right.

    • Why is she right? Are the ingredients not kosher or live up to the kashrus standards of the OU? Too many yachnes like this lady

  9. The lady is correct, however it’s not the OU she should be going after. She should be going after the heimishe owners of that company. If you have 80,000+ mindless robots pilgrimaging down to a spiritual wasteland of Orlando for Pesach, anything tznius is already out the window. Same for Dubai, Morocco, Croatia, Cancun, Arizona, etc… Pleasure seekers can’t get bogged down with some silly name on a juice drink. If it feels good, do it. As Obama pointed out, yiras shomayim (cling to religion) is for losers.

  10. As far as I know, this product is not certified by the OU. It has a different hashgacha. I don’t know if that is intentional or not, but the individual with the concern should contact the correct kashrus organization. It has bothered us for many years as well.

    • So don’t buy it but where does this lady have the chutzpah to say that the kashrus organization that they can’t certify it, the ingredients are kosher!

  11. She is right. This is not a nice name for an orange juice drink. Happy to hear there are still some people out there that think like me.

  12. First of all, you as the consumer, should call the company! Companies listen to their consumers.

    Second of all, wrong hashgacha. Get your facts right – it’s not an OU-certified product.


  13. Has that lady been real concerned,
    She would Have reached out in nice way .. I am sure it would have been dealt With
    Not in Threatening way, which Shows that rather have a concern for the issue she is one bitter person w/ a Host of Side issues

    • Isn’t this the same person that complained about animal cookies, teaching our kids to eat ever min hachai? Or that we eat lady fingers? Sounds like the same voice to me.

  14. I guess it’s a slow news day by you people.

    I firmly believe this is a fake! There is factual information that is incorrect on this recording which makes me believe it’s a fake. By fake, to clarify, I believe somebody decided to make a recording of an alleged voicemail message, and disseminate it. I don’t think such a recording ever happened.

    If the person was really concerned, I don’t know where they’ve been for the last 40 years that the company has been in business with nationwide distribution much of that time.

    I guess she also did not allow her kids to learn the beginning of בראשית, where the words ערום & ערומים are used. She’s probably too frum for that.

  15. We need all resources of the Kosher organizations to be full devoted to making sure the products are kosher. They should please not be distracted by this. We live in a sick world, but this has nothing to do with them. There plenty to discuss about actual halachik kosher issues. Let’s stick to what their there for, and feel free to complain to the company that you don’t like theirs name. Now that’s certainly a commendable activity, although I can think of more productive ones.

  16. Very strange, the word naked doesn’t have anything to do with nudity, it just means with nothing else, when in reference to a person it means without clothing, but a tree can be naked of leaves, or in this case of a beverage without additives like extra sugar.

  17. First of all this woman is obviously not well. Did she publicly threaten the OU ? What does she mean the summer is coming up and it’s going to snow ball? Billboards? I think she should go back to the mental home where she came from. Naked drinks have been around since 1983. Where has she been since then?

  18. Aside from the open reference to גילוי עריות, when this abhorrently named brand is spelled backwards, there’s a subtle but obviously intended reference to עבודה זרה (“deacon”), homophonically speaking, of course. And when Yiddische gelt is spilled in the purchase of such an abominable product, that’s simply שפיכת דמים.

  19. I guess this shopper must be very limited in what she can purchase. Many every day items have other anatomical references when they are purchased and they even appear on the label or on the package.‍

  20. Wow. Wow. On the mark.

    May Hashem Bless this woman.

    If only we would believe in what we learn and what we daven for with a fraction of the Yiras Shamayim of this Bas Yisroel.

    I applaud and am humbled to join you in protest. It is an abomination for an organization of Shomrei Torah u’mitzvos to give a hechsher on a product with such a name. Is it all about money and being politically correct? Are our neshamos so cheap and irrelevant that this can happen in a Torah society? Sensitivity in this matter is a fundamental principle of Yahadus.

  21. This is possibly the funniest thing i heard in my life! The word “naked” in this form is used to mean bare without added sugar… Pure Juice. If you open a Artscroll Gemara im sure you will find the word “naked” many times. Should we ban artscroll?? I guess they dont have a ou…

    • They actually deliver their drinks in a truck that has a very large picture of a person without clothing. I have seen this truck driving through my (parents) area in brooklyn many times.
      (the person is without clothing but they present it in a way that it isnt illegal, v’hameivin yavin)

      So basically, she’s on point and you are naïve.

  22. Wow! Lakewood mom threatening multimillion dollar kashrus orginazation with a robocall!! They musy be pertrified!

    I don’t know how old this clip is, or if it even real, but this drink has been around for at least ten years. It has had the same kosher certification for all these years. Why did she wake up now?

    There are far worse products under najor certification. For example, Kellogs has a toeivah oriented cereal which is also certified by a major kashtus orginazation. This cereal promotes the worst aveirah, and is even targeting children. Even the regular cereals often have pictures on them which visualize the word this Lakewood Mom is upset about.

    Obviously the American Kashrus orginazations do not feel responsible about the hashkofos of the product they certify. They are just there to say “kosher” or not kosher. It is the store’s decision to carry those products, and the consumer’s decision whteher to allow the product in their home.

    I perosnally would be more concerned about the kulos they are using to certify s product which is so prone to infestation. (Some varieties of this brand are made out of infested-prone ingredients.)

  23. REFUAH SHELEIMA LADY!!! Crazy, why is naked a bad word? It means uncovered as in naked eye naked truth and that is where the name of this company comes from. Maybe learn a little english.

  24. if that is what a person thinks of when it comes to orange juice they have serious problems and they should work on their yiras shamayim like seriously looks like someone was sheltered growing up!

    • Really? what if I tell you that the tricks they deliver on have a picture which is basically an unclothed person presented in a “legal” manner for the public?
      Maybe you should wonder why THEY think that association is made. Then blast people.

  25. I must vehemently protest the author of the Torah, where it is written in the 2nd chapter:

    וַיִּהְיוּ שְׁנֵיהֶם עֲרוּמִּים, הָאָדָם וְאִשְׁתּוֹ; וְלֹא, יִתְבֹּשָׁשׁוּ
    And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.

    How could the author use such a disgusting word “naked” in such a holy book? And to top it all off, say that the people who were naked were not ashamed?!?! Really?!?!

    Oh…uh…what’s that you say? It was written by G-d?

    Um…oops…never mind.

  26. I guess all the negative commentators are not use to seeing such Yiras Shomayim….As for the hashgocha and Matzav, I would be talking to my lawyer about possible lawsuit ….

    • I am one of the previous “negative commentators” that you referenced. Her sensitivity to the product name being inappropriate is commendable; her over-the-top reaction and retaliatory threats, however, are ludicrous. In case it wasn’t clear, those are the catalysts for all the comments.

    • Does it bother you that Chabad is makpid on chalav yisroel and paas yisroel, regardless of how far flung a City they live in? Are you jealous?

  27. Post Pesach Syndrome
    It’s not even certified by the OU
    But I guess it’s better than taking out her frustrations at someone else

  28. Someone’s sensitivity shouldn’t be made fun of but rather applauded. I don’t appreciate the threats, but aside from that, good for her.

    If this is even real…

  29. She is absolutely right. Even if the word is used in contexts that are not tznius related, in the absence of a context most people will first think of the primary meaning of this word. The secular world has reached a point that the very concept of modesty has been forgotten by most people. It behooves us as a Torah community to be sensitive to and mindful of the implications of this word.

  30. So now that we have concluded that this irate consumer was wrong in whom she accused ,how does she go about asking mechila?
    Is she mechuyav to post a mechila ?
    Any thoughts on her behalf would be helpful


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