MAKES SENSE? Israel, The Only Quadruple-Vaxxed Country in the World, Breaks Records for Daily Covid Cases

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  1. Why the question mark after ‘makes sense’ when everyone knows that every va ccine brings on more covid cases? Are you in a comotose state? How many more nurses whistleblowers need to come forth saying that all “covid’ patients deaths in hospitals were from medical malpractice or vccine?

    • Fairly early in the development of the Covid scam, a while before the (so-called) “vaccines” actually came out, Holy, Holy, Holy, Saint Anthony Fauci himself, Yimach Shemo V’Zichro, openly admitted: “Yes, many times we end up CAUSING the very thing we are trying to prevent!” Now, he was obviously trying to excuse himself and the modern medical profession that this is an “understandable” mistake that often occurs.

      However, as he admitted that this IS a common problem, he then certainly should have heavily stressed, over and over and over and over again, that, this time around, we definitely must be exceedingly extremely extra, extra, EXTRA careful to put in extra, extra, EXTRA effort to make sure that, this time, we will NOT make the terrible mistake. That he did not do that, and, of course, that we have directly seen that the “mistake” very much DID occur, we realize that, instead of giving an excuse, he was clearly admitting and alluding and virtually bragging THAT HE VERY WELL KNEW that the (so-called) “mistake” WAS what was going to occur!!

      Furthermore, even regarding his intention (to excuse the modern medical world that this is “just” a “mistake”) we should sharply retort back to him and his whole medical establishment world:


  2. Actually, it does make sense. The CDC’s own data show that the vaccine is showing negative efficacy of about 40%. Or, in plain English, those who have had the vaccine are 40% more likely to contract Covid.

  3. This is a question only if one is following the ‘powers that be’ blindly. Common sense questions readily expose the vaccine-centric reaction for the power-grab that it is.

  4. Well many countries might also not be doing as good of a daily case count, as Israel. Vaccines don’t prevent getting covid, but prevent death or serious symptoms. Chill anti-vaxxers! You’re too desperate to be right!

  5. It is very disturbing to me that Israel, which is the world leader in science and medicine is still sold on this “vaccine ” which is literally killing people and not helping at all. Why are they hurting their own people by vaccinating them over and over. It defies logic.

    • Then they wonder why there’s so much anti-Semitism. It’s precisely this issue causing it because the facts are that the non-placebo vaccines are 100% lethal.

  6. Most Israelis live cramped up in tight apartment buildings and travel on packed busses as oppose to much of the rest of the world which lives in the suburbs or rural locations. Even those living in cities are not living in the same conditions as most Israelis so it makes sense that more of them are catching covid.

  7. If one takes all the latest vaccines as they come out, wears a mask 24/7, doesn’t daven or learn, & stays in his mother’s basement, he will live forever. All you rodef’s are going to die.

  8. It makes sense on two counts.
    Israel committed itself to Pfizer which its own manufacturer admits doesn’t prevent the new variances, just mitigates the severity. It’s difficult to get the Moderna vaccine in Israel.
    Secondly, people who are vaccinated tend to be much less careful; they don’t bother with masks or restrict themselves in any way and since they all have the Pfizer shot, they get Covid, albeit generally very mild cases.

  9. It is mainly because Israel is more serious and accurate in reporting their statistics. It is also due to the fact that amongst the the countries accurately reporting their statistics Israel has many more big famillies that cannot socially distance.

  10. I’ll reveal the real reason.
    I, using classified sources, found out that there are still upwards of 7 Israelis who aren’t vaccinated . It’s obvious, strictly following the science, that those 7 individualse are the direct cause of millions of vaccinated, 2x boosted and masked Israelis catching covid a second or third time.
    Shame on those 7 selfish people. As the great US president explained, this is a disease if the unvaccinated.


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