Maran Rav Gershon: Don’t Cause Another Pain on Purim

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In a letter written in the days leading up to Purim, Maran Rav Gershon Edelstein, Rosh Yeshivas Ponovezh, urges the public to strengthen their Torah learning and to be careful not to harm another.

“The days of Purim are dedicated to much love and brotherhood, and sending portions of food to each other,” Rav Gershon wrote. “Therefore, on these days, one must be extremely careful regarding the conduct between a person and his friend, and G-d forbid not to cause pain or discomfort to another.”

Rav Gershon ends his letter by stating, “May it be that thanks to the strengthening of Torah and middos tovos, may we and the entire House of Yisroel be blessed with good news, salvation and comfort, just as our ancestors were blessed in those days at this time.”

{ Israel}


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