NYPD Shuts Down Chassidishe School That Opened in Violation of Orders

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The NYPD shut down a Chassidic school in Brooklyn after neighbors reported the school was operating in violation of city and state orders. Law enforcement officials estimate that over 100 children were inside the building this morning when police arrived at the Madison Street location in the Bedford-Stuyvesant section sometime before noon.

NBC reported that children were seen playing on the roof of the school building without masks. NYPD officers told an adult at the building to close the school as it was in violation of state orders. No summonses were issued.



  1. Very interesting contrast to the gym in New Jersey were the cops let them stay open!!! Who would believe America would become so communist so quick!!!!! Cuomo is going to keep us locked up for months!!!! He has ZERO PLANS OF REOPENING!!!!!!

  2. This is were they are ruining for themselves and all, they could have done it in the proper fashion – by abiding to social distancing rules, i.e. wearing masks (even hanging ) and spread out, with each siting on their designated seat etc, then I am sure police would have ignored .

    It happened to one Yeshiva in Brooklyn, that slowly opened up to a minimum (15 to Bes Midrash) and police came due to one informing, and they let it go, as they saw rules were strictly followed.

  3. Hevel Tinokis Shel Bays Rabbon is now gone.
    What a Chilul HaShem that the neighbors closed down the place that holds up the world.

  4. This is just an added reason to get out of the City. There are so many Frum communities right outside of NYC and beyond where one can live with his family a Better Quality life for less than half the price it costs to live in the city


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