Outrageous: Chanukah Monsey Stabber Rendered Unfit to Stand Trial

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Judge Cathy Siebel stated in a decision unveiled this morning that Grafton Thomas, the man who stabbed multiple Jews with an 18-inch machete on Chanukah at Rav Leibish Rottenberg’s house in Monsey, N.Y., is mentally ill and unfit to stand trial.

Instead, Thomas will be placed in a mental facility for up to four months to see if he can perhaps then undergo criminal proceedings.

The judge claimed based on a psychological report that the 37-year-old – who has been charged with attempted murder – has a “mental disease or defect.”

R’ Yossel Neuman Hy”d, one of the people who was stabbed, was in a coma for months and was niftar several weeks ago from his wounds.

{Matzav.com Newscenter}


  1. Time for Kushner and Dershowitz to ask Trump for a reverse-pardon.
    Alternatively, send this guy for life to a mental institution will full treatment protocols, lock-ups and daily counseling sessions.

  2. What’s the difference if he is found fit in a few months? If he wasn’t fit at the time he committed the crime, then he can’t stand trial. This makes NO sense whatsoever.

    • The answer is it’s a sham, If it would’ve been the other way around like a white had done it to blacks this same judge would’ve ruled the opposite.

  3. Basically, he was mentally fit to plan this ..and execute …hmmmm…but not for trial…I guess anyone that murders isn’t mentally stable so….there goes our justice system!

  4. Do you still believe that police will protect you? When it comes to self defense, you should do at least as much hishtadlus as you do for parnosa.


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