Rabbi Dr. Yehoshua Weinstein z”l

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It is with great sadness that Matzav.com reports the passing of Rabbi Dr. Yehoshua Weinstein z”l, one of the members of the Ungvar kehillah in Boro Park and founder of the Shema Kleinu organization. He was 73.

Reb Yehoshua was suddenly niftar on Erev Shabbos in Yerushalayim after suffering a massive heart attack. The news came as a shock as Reb Yehoshua was as vibrant as ever and in the midst of his myriad activities on behalf of the community.

Dr. Weinstein was the founder of various community-based organizations including Shema Kolainu, ICare4Autism and most recently Emunas Bais Yaakov High School and was a baal tzedakah who cared deeply about every individual.

He founded the Shema Koleinu institution for children with special needs in Brooklyn. An accomplished educator, Reb Yehoshua combined his educational and work background to create a unique school and center for autism. His vision and big heart led him to undertake this great challenge upon learning that children with autism can lead a better future when given the skills to do so. Shema Kolainu – Hear Our Voices (SKHOV) was founded in 1998 as one of the first schools for autism in the US. Its programs are designed to help children overcome the disabilities caused by autism, including teaching them to communicate, socialize, play, read and write. Reb Yehoshua later expanded his services to include community members outside of the school walls by providing early intervention, SEIT, ABA, ST, OT & PT services to higher functioning children on the autism spectrum.

Reb Yehoshua had a close kesher to Rav Menashe Klein, rov of Ungvar. After his marriage, he served as the right hand of the late rov of Ungvar and became one of the leaders of the kehillah.

As a respected member of the Ungvarer Beis Medrash for many decades, Reb Yehoshua was very close with the current Ungvarer Rov as well, among his many close associations with various gedolei Torah with whom he maintained close contact and with whom he studied daily.

Reb Yehoshua’s levayah was held at Eretz HaChaim Bais Hachaim near Beis Shemesh, where he was buried.

He is survived by his wife and children and grandchildren. His wife, Mrs. Debbie Weinstein, and his children, Yitzchok, Zvi Dov, Aryeh, Avrumi, Eli, Suri Gruen and Faigie Schonbrun, will be sitting shivah until Thursday morning at 1631 55th Street, 2nd Floor, in Brooklyn, NY.

Yehi zichro boruch.



  1. I remember how the niftar used to regularly on Motzoei Shabbos go to the big Ashkenazishe Shul across 16th Avenue from Ungvar to chap a quick early maariv.

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