Rav Chaim Kanievsky and the Proper Age to Get Married

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דברי מרן הגר”ח קנייבסקי זצ”ל על גיל הנישואין ע”פ הלכה 

17 or 18 is the Proper Age to Start Shidduchim

The proper time to start shidduchim is seventeen, eighteen (Hagiah Hazman, pp. 76-77). The bochurim who delay aren’t following the proper path (Ibid.).

Moshiach Will Come Sooner if Bochurim Start at 18

“Besides the fact that one is required to marry at eighteen, as per the Shulchan Aruch, getting married young will cause Moshiach to come earlier” (Ibid., see also Iyun Yaakov Sanhedrin 97 who says that those who get married after 19 won’t have techias hameisim as a punishment for delaying techias hameisim).

Yeshivos Mustn’t Delay Bochurim from Shidduchim Before 20

“Rav Chaim stated that those who prevent their students from seeking their zivug before age 20 are erring in their thinking” (Rav Chaim Kanievsky on Shidduchim, p. 168).

A Rosh Yeshiva—of a yeshiva that delayed bochurim from dating—asked Rav Chaim for a personal bracha. Rav Chaim responded that he doesn’t give brachos to those whose Yeshivos oppose the Torah (Rav Eluzer Rubin, Irgun Shiurei Torah, available at 718-298-2077, ID: 9-167053).

The Punishment for Delaying

Rav Chaim was asked by a bochur if he could delay till after twenty in order to finish the Yeshiva’s Mesechta. Rav Chaim responded, “You should not delay marriage. Do you want your face [as per Nedarim 89] to be plastered with clay?” (Ezer Kenegdo, p. 89).

Bochurim who Delay Because they Aren’t “Ready” Risk Remaining Single Forever

Rav Chaim relayed that the Chofetz Chaim (then in his late 80s) wanted his young son to start shidduchim at eighteen, but his wife felt their son wasn’t “ready.” Ultimately, the son remained single his entire life [dying in his 40s and buried in Mount Judah Cemetery]. The Rebbetzin later deeply regretted rejecting her husband’s opinion. Rav Chaim explained that this was a punishment, as Hashem says, “When I wanted you to get married, you didn’t want, so when you wanted, I no longer wanted” (Rav Chaim Kanievsky on Shidduchim, p. 163).

Claiming that Boys Aren’t Mature Enough is Against Chazal

One cannot claim that a bochurim aren’t mature enough, because Chazal established that it’s possible to get married already at thirteen, and, at the latest, at eighteen or nineteen. If so, a young bochur is certainly considered mature enough for marriage (Hagiah Hazman, Ibid.).

After Marriage One Learns Much Better

People mistakenly believe that after one’s wedding one learns worse, but that is a mistake, since after marriage one learns much better (Ibid.).

Rav Shteinman and Rav Elyashiv Supporting Rav Chaim’s Mission

Rav Shteinman: “If the Torah says to marry young, then we must do so. Some claim ‘but they’re babies!’ and I say ‘nonsense!’ Rav Chaim is correct about what he’s doing.” (Adam Gadol Hu, p. 175).

A Rosh Yeshiva complained to Rav Elyashiv about Rav Chaim’s campaign encouraging boys to get married young. Rav Elyashiv responded: “You can’t delay them past twenty, as stated in the Gemara. What do you want, that they should do like America, wait till 21, 22 and ultimately only get married at 30?!” (Yevakshu Mipihu, p. 52).



  1. What about wearing watches and not shaving? Rav Chaim said not to do these! Why don’t you write about this? I guess no one pays for this to be published as opposed to…

    • The answer is simple.

      Wearing watches and shaving is a machlokes haposkim. We don’t have to follow every psak.

      Not getting married at till 23 is much more dangerous, however. Here, they are claiming that our “mesorah” can cancel and override a “mitzvah d’orraissa.” This is an issue which touches on the 13 ikrim: can a part of the Torah be cancelled. It goes to the very definition of being an Orthodox Jew. If every gadol supported it, OK. But to do this against Rav Chaim is lunacy.

  2. The proper time to start shidduchim is seventeen, eighteen (Hagiah Hazman, pp. 76-77). The bochurim who delay aren’t following the proper path (Ibid.). This includes anyone forcing Bochurim into a freezer from ראש-חודש מרחשון thru חמשה עשר ב”שבט are guilty of violating the Pesak of the venerated גדול-הדור זכותו יגן עלינו

  3. There are many written statements from Rav Chaim as well (see his haskama to Kuntras Torah B’tahara, for example). Rav Chaim’s opinion is also already stated by many, many others.

    For example, Rav Moshe Feinstein zt”l – the Gadol whom the entire America relies on likula even when he’s a Daas Yachid (regarding shaving, mamzeirus) says that one is REQUIRED to be married by twenty or else he will have to face divine punishment (Iggeros Moshe, Even Ha-Ezer vol. 2 no. 1).

  4. R. Chaim zt”l was twenty three at his chassunah, close to twenty four.

    Born: 15 Teves 5688

    Chassunah: 7 Kislev 5712

    • Maybe they started at 18 and just found his zivug at 23 or maybe she had a red light or maybe at that time it wasn’t as common to get married at 18.

    • I have personally asked his family member about this. The answer was that he did, indeed, begin looking at 17, but had not found what he was seeking, until 23.

      Decipher that information as you wish, for I, personally, don’t have an explanation to offer. However, his answer was readily and immediately provided, when the question was posed.


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