Rav Chaim Kanievsky in Dramatic Ruling: Vaccinate the Children in School

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A dramatic ruling was handed down by Rav Chaim Kanievsky to the directors of educational institutions regarding the corona vaccine with the spread of omicron.

Rav Chaim stated that, in his opinion, directors of Talmudei Torah should have the vaccines administered in school.

A month ago, as first reported by Matzav.com, Rav Chaim said that parents of children ages 5 and over should vaccinate their children. The ruling was made following discussion with Dr. Ron Blitzer, Dr. Salman Zarka of the Misrad Habriut, and Rav Chaim’s personal physician, Dr. Meshulam Hart.

Dr. Zarka presented data to Rav Chaim regarding the effectiveness and safety of vaccines, and the fact that the morbidity is largely among children who have not been able to get vaccinated so far.

Rav Chaim listened to the doctors’ comments on the the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine and the disease risks, and then said that children ages 5 and over should be vaccinated. He has now added that the vaccine should be administered in school to ensure that the children are properly protected.

{Matzav.com Israel}


  1. This statement is not true: “Dr. Zarka presented data to Rav Chaim regarding the effectiveness and safety of vaccines, and the fact that the morbidity is largely among children who have not been able to get vaccinated so far.”

    Children are the least vulnerable with this virus. Everyone knows that.

  2. I would be the first to ask “How high?” if Rav Chaim Shlit”a said to jump. The problem is, this story is missing the ikar: WHO SAID that Rav Chaim said this? Without that crucial piece, this story is fiction as I’m concerned.

  3. Fascinating. So where is the letter signed by Rav Chaim??? Can you post the EXACT words Rav Chaim used? Matzav, stop reporting like a 3 year old.

  4. It’s funny how all of the sudden us lay people know better than the doctors and better that the חכמים. This has got to be the עיקבתא דמשיחא that the Gemorah talks about! Can there possibly be more Chutzpa?

    • Somebody posted this yesterday and worthwhile posting it again for the gullible:

      “A tidal wave of awakening will flood the whole world – it’s unstoppable!”

      “A historically unprecedented worldwide awakening is happening, where hundreds of millions of people are beginning to see how their governments, media and health organizations are indescribably corrupt, and are lying to them in ways nobody could have ever imagined in their worst nightmares. As a result, innumerable people in every nation no longer blindly submit themselves to the criminal plans of their overlords, but they have begun to rise up and take action to build a better world.

      “The magnitude of this worldwide awakening is beyond anyone’s comprehension. Nothing like this has ever occurred since the beginning of time.

      “Still, it is only just starting, and is nothing compared to what the world is about to witness soon. As vaccine adverse events get worse worldwide, as healthy and innocent people are rounded up in quarantine camps, as vaccine passports are required to participate in society, and so many more insane things are happening, this current awakening will evolve into something we cannot even imagine…”

  5. There is such conflicting information at this point that there is no way that anyone knows what’s really going on in R’ Chaim’s house. We as Jews should not take a psak from media articles and videos (especially for something as serious as this). R’ Chaim himself did not take the vaccine.

    • …and he was cured by Dr. Zelenko!

      I just posted a similar comment not to rely on this report but to go to Rav Chaim shlit”a personally with documents from Rav Chaim’s doctor, Dr. Zelenko.

  6. “Morbidity in children”???? How is that exactly? To inject a young child with a experimental gene therapy where there is ZERO long term studies (as the controls in the studies where purposely destroyed) is beyond belief from a scientific standpoint and totally illogical. Check out project veritas where the pfizer scientists themselves said in an undercover video that to vaccinate children who have zero risk is unconscionable. Hashem Yerachem…..

  7. If the “askanim” are truly לשם שמים let them bring Dr. Zelenko to speak to Rav Chaim as well…..They know exactly what they are doing.

    • Totally agree. 100% not leshem Shamayim. The “askanim” are in desperate need of government funding, just like the askanim from other mosdos.

    • No, that is incorrect. We had to censor your comment because it might somehow someway effect the prospects of our children’s shidduchim.

  8. It’s very likely not true. If you want to jab your child/ren, go over to Rav Chaim shlit”a with documentation from Dr. Zelenko, one of the biggest doctors, and discuss it with him personally.

    • Wow. You hit the trifecta. You managed to get in 3 comments. How did you pull it off without the chachomim at Matzav censoring you? Gotta go back to sleep. Layla tov.

  9. My comment was also deleted from yesterday, even though it contained truth about people these doctors being paid off by Big Pharma. Dr. Zelenko treated Rav Chaim successfully when he had covid, it’s a very good question as to why he isn’t being consulted.

    • @Concerned Mother – I am with you. I have made 3 attempts at posting a comment – once yesterday and twice today detailing on what you are saying. It did get posted on _____________ (surprisingly) yesterday. Matzav seems to have difficulty publicizing the real truth.

  10. I am making a second attempt to get this comment posted. Matzav seems to be too cowardly to put out the truth, and whoever runs this website should be ashamed of themselves.
    These irreligious ministry of health people who are controlled by money and by Pfizer have been pushing their false narratives
    Unfortunately, these G-dless irreligious Eruv Rav are taking advantage to push their agenda by giving false information.
    We see the vaccines are failing grandly, how triple-vaccinated people are still getting covid and often dying and most people in hospitals in critical condition are the vaccinated ones. Most unvaccinated have already gotten covid and have lifetime natural immunity. We have already witnessed so many vaccine deaths and injuries and miscarriages throughout the globe and especially in our own frum communites. Studies by real independent peer-reviewed scientists such as Dr. Harvey Riche, epidemiologist -Yale University, Dr. Peter McCullough, cardiologist – Baylor University, Texas, Dr. Ryan Cole from Idaho, Dr. Michael Yeadon from the UK – former executive of Pfizer, Dr. Geer Vanden Boscche from Belgium who worked for GAVI, Dr. Zev Zelenko, Dr. Lawrence Palevsky – Mt. Sinai Hospital trained pediatrician, American Front Line Doctors, FLCCC and too many more to mention here, have proven that normal healthy children only suffer mildly if they get covid, they are not super-spreaders, and they develop a lifelong immunity against variants. It is also well-known that covid is a very manageable and curable illness when treated early with cheap FDA approved repurposed drugs such as hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin or alternatively with a natural bioflavanoid, Quercetin along with zinc, vitamin c, vitamin d3 and so many natural herbs, enzymes that are out there. The reason all this is being surpressed is because big pharma and all the players in this PLANdemic such as Bill Gates, Tony Fauci, George Soros, Klaus Schwab, of the World Economic Forum, and the CDC, NIH,NAID, FDA, WHO, etc., aside from huge profits in the trillions of dollars being made, they want to force every human from cradle to grave to be injected with the toxins in the vaccines such as spike proteins, graphene oxide, nanoparticles, hydrogel in order to reach their ultimate goal of mass depopulation by 2030 (The Great Reset – New World Order) Those who will be lucky to survive will be turned into transhumans that can be tracked, traced, controlled and enslaved by the “elites” by turning the human body into a 5G wifi receptor to be totally controlled by the internet of all things.
    Do your own real research. It’s all out there.

  11. Third attempt: Matzav is refusing to post my comment. Matzav, you are trying to hide the truth! Who is your Daas Torah?
    These irreligious ministry of health people who are controlled by money and by Pfizer have been pushing their false narratives
    Unfortunately, these G-dless irreligious Eruv Rav are taking advantage to push their agenda by giving false information.
    We see the vaccines are failing grandly, how triple-vaccinated people are still getting covid and often dying and most people in hospitals in critical condition are the vaccinated ones. Most unvaccinated have already gotten covid and have lifetime natural immunity. We have already witnessed so many vaccine deaths and injuries and miscarriages throughout the globe and especially in our own frum communites. Studies by real independent peer-reviewed scientists such as Dr. Harvey Riche, epidemiologist -Yale University, Dr. Peter McCullough, cardiologist – Baylor University, Texas, Dr. Ryan Cole from Idaho, Dr. Michael Yeadon from the UK – former executive of Pfizer, Dr. Geer Vanden Boscche from Belgium who worked for GAVI, Dr. Zev Zelenko, Dr. Lawrence Palevsky – Mt. Sinai Hospital trained pediatrician, American Front Line Doctors, FLCCC and too many more to mention here, have proven that normal healthy children only suffer mildly if they get covid, they are not super-spreaders, and they develop a lifelong immunity against variants. It is also well-known that covid is a very manageable and curable illness when treated early with cheap FDA approved repurposed drugs such as hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin or alternatively with a natural bioflavanoid, Quercetin along with zinc, vitamin c, vitamin d3 and so many natural herbs, enzymes that are out there. The reason all this is being surpressed is because big pharma and all the players in this PLANdemic such as Bill Gates, Tony Fauci, George Soros, Klaus Schwab, of the World Economic Forum, and the CDC, NIH,NAID, FDA, WHO, etc., aside from huge profits in the trillions of dollars being made, they want to force every human from cradle to grave to be injected with the toxins in the vaccines such as spike proteins, graphene oxide, nanoparticles, hydrogel in order to reach their ultimate goal of mass depopulation by 2030 (The Great Reset – New World Order) Those who will be lucky to survive will be turned into transhumans that can be tracked, traced, controlled and enslaved by the “elites” by turning the human body into a 5G wifi receptor to be totally controlled by the internet of all things.
    Do your own real research. It’s all out there.

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