Report: Fearing Biden Victory, Israel’s US Envoy Pushing for West Bank Annexation Before Election

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Israeli Ambassador to the US Ron Dermer is lobbying the Trump administration for a green light to go head with the annexation of parts of the West Bank, Axios reported on Monday.

According to the report, Dermer, fearing a Joe Biden victory in the US presidential election in November, believes Israel must move forward with annexation in the coming months.

Dermer and his boss, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, were “concerned that a Biden victory would dramatically shift US policy on Israel-Palestine, and that Israel must create facts on the ground before the US elections.”

The ambassador’s message, the report said, citing three sources, was Israel had to “move on annexation now because we don’t know what’s going to happen in the elections and Biden might win. We have a window of opportunity now and we need to use it.”

The Algemeiner   (c) 2019        



  1. CRAZY! What does Israeli Ambassador to the US Ron Dermer have to fear? It’s not as if Biden’s clone has even a 1% chance to win. The original Biden is not around anymore for over a year.

    Move on annexation NOW while the world is preoccupied with the invisible enemy.


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